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IT would be Awesome if we could play for money.. like if we could agree on how much a game or set or whatever... they could even be rooms to go play in one room its 1$ a game, 2$ dollar a game room, 5$ a game room, so on so forth. is there anyway this could ever happen? Actually someone could get rich by going to Las Vegas and setting up this kind of pool game in the same concept and game play just change it up and fix it right where people could gamble.
that would be brilliant , i think a room for each discipline called MONEY ROOMS !!!
Reason : Children play FlyOrDie Games.
I think it would be more enjoyable if you could just play for fun without money involved, to add virtual gambling into a family site wherein lot of young people are playing is certainly unsuitable.
Sorry the Children? you have to be kidding me?
take a look at some of the profile pictures you see here.
promoting drugs & alcohol and other explicit nature. yet they still keep getting aloud back?

Take a look at the cheating & anti-social behavior of Clans/ Social Movements and what they truly represent. To the outsiders they are mostly targets. if you have a problem with one, you have a problem with the rest of them. The community are victims of hacking and cheating, therefor the children are too.

Kids you see on the news doing self harm and far worse But not just children, all demographics and walks of life.
Myself I'm no Angel, I'm not perfect... but I do have morals.
I speak my mind and always have, always will.

I think having the gambling feature would be hard to get the license for ? first off separate adults from the children. children belong with the support and watchful eye of the moderators. 
"or outside playing" where they belong. not in front of a computer all day. 

18+ rooms
21+ room or what ever. 
children do not belong with the adults. end of story.

On the flip-side, there are more pro's then con's with this feature. 
I am all for it if it means getting rid of the vermin, and making it safer for the children and the community going forwards :)

Cheers again :p
Mess :)