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How can you tell you're buying/selling your stuff between your characters?
How can you tell you're buying/selling your stuff between your characters?
How can you tell you're buying/selling your stuff between your characters?
If there are multiples of an item at muliple prices how can you make sure your needy character is buying from you?

This part is so confusing to me.  It's like a part of my brain is just in the dark and can't quite make it to the light.
3000% for subs... just to clarify the unsure-ness of bk.

when youre trying to find items to do the transfers with, look for items that are lightweight and that can be relisted at a high enough price to make it worthwhile to you. for example, is you have a character who needs to get 50,000 odd silvers look for an item that you could sell that high (so that 2500% wouldnt be too far from that). if you want, you can just buy the whole market as already suggested, which lets you relist your items at the highest possible price- 2500% of their value for non-subs, 3500% (i think, or close to there) for subs. 
good luck
Regarding the scenario you described, if Minnie is to tranfer money to Mickey, the item needs to be listed at the lowest offer at the market in order for it to be bought (usually 1 below the current lowest price). If say there are already 40 listed at 1000 silvers at you place yours at 1000 silvers also, it will not get bought until those listed above you are sold first (if the owner does not add extras of the same item at the same price). 

> Mickey puts that item on the marketplace for 2000%. and Minnie waits for price to come down to 2000%. By the time it finally shows the 2000% as the lowest price there are 8 of that item.

The only possibility of that happening is someone watching the market very closely and placing their items with the one you dropped. Although your item would still be at the top of the buying order, so buying one would most likely be Mickey's (unless the person buys your one and now owns all 8).

If you're finding it hard to transfer with the presence of other similar items on the market, why not buy out the lot (usually goods all listed at 50%). This often appens when it has been listed by 20 different characters (and bumps off the higher listed price items). In this case, simply list at the highest possible offer. For example, there are 600 odd disprosiums on market at 50% each, buy them out with Mickey and list at 75000 each, next buy with Minnie.

In that event perhaps you can price at an irregular %. Say 2460%- 984 silvers. Or maybe Minnie can afford to buy all 8 and and resell them at a small loss.
This problem doesn't happen with less popular items. Maybe it would be better to buy or make a different item to resell at a high price.

That's about the only part of the process I do understand.

Maybe I'm not asking the question correctly...

Let's try this scenario:

The characters Mickey, Minnie and Goofy...

Mickey puts an item on the marketplace for 2500% / 1000 silvers.He needs the money.  Minnie has the money and she is going to buy Mickey's item.  There are 40 listed at that same price. 

Which one is Mickey's?


Mickey puts that item on the marketplace for 2000%. and Minnie waits for price to come down to 2000%.  By the time it finally shows the 2000% as the lowest price there are 8 of that item.

She buys the item only to find out the one she bought wasn't even Mickey's.  

This is what I can't make work for me.

Hi JunieMoon- if a like item is already priced at 50% and multiple, Try to price yours (on it's own) at a higher rate but still within the first 3 low prices. If that isn't possible, perhaps your rich char can afford to buy all at 50% and then sell them on.  
Also, check out small studdedshields (weapons shop at CC) for resale in the market! And there are plenty of  others just like them!

;) Esme

If there are multiples of an item, the item you post will have to be the lowest price to be order to buy it. However if the item is at 50%, you can only place yours at 50% (unless there are already 20 slots taken). Your item would only sell if the slots taken above you are all sold.
