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A Word of Advice
A Word of Advice
A Word of Advice
If you aren't above average for your level, don't rank yourself that way, unless you want big tough guys to come beat you up and take away your lunch money.

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1st one may want to be ranked above "average" for several reasons. 1 to increase the amount of higher lvl monsters they fight to lvl faster. 2  someone pub missions only show upw hen you have a higher rank up. 3 when stealing if you have a higher rank you have a higher chance of getting more items. That concludes your lessons please join us again same bat time same bat channel.
Thank you Monty....for letting me know that I'm not the only person my age who says same bat time same bat channel.  It brought a smile to my face.

Wenn Sie kein oben erwähnte Durchschnitt für Ihr Niveau sind, rangieren Sie sich diesen Weg nicht, außer wenn Sie große zähe Typen wollen, Schlag Ihnen heraufzukommen und Ihr Mittagessensgeld wegzunehmen.
my german is a bit rusty but didnt u just say what mont said word for word  just wondering  is there a reason u did?
Yep he did

Speaks fluent German