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people are sooooo mean!
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people are sooooo mean!
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people are sooooo mean!
why are people so mean lately?usually when i play some one in chess or checkers people insult me,dont answer me,or when they think they can't win ,they 
give up

People react in diffetent ways and different forms a lot of people have insul me and tell me that i am a Mexican and i suck.  People just are loosers when they loose they can not control their emotions and be calm and said good things like good job, good game. thats is my point of view 
You're welcome ;)

Kind regard
Dear Checkers users,
I do not know if there is a Moderator present in the Checkers-rooms!
My advice to you is tell them that you do not think that the language  nor theyr behavior is apropiot.
You can use the "Mute" botton provited, by cliking on the on theyr user name and click on the mute botton.

If it realy gets out of hand:
send a screan shot to the Moderator e-mail address!

press the printscreen botton, paste in paint and save it as jpg.
send it to moderator@flyordie.com with a good subject, and a good discription of the file you've attached!

Please notice that all e-mail that are not subjected will be ignored and deleted, and all attachment with no propor discription will also be ignored and delted!

I hope that I've helped you so far.



my first day here and went to lobby they were all swearing at each other its so weird. i figured out how to use the be quiet button 
ps. use the Mute botton it works pritty good ;)
are there Moderator present in Checkers?
or send a mail to moderator@flyordie.com
that you would like to have a moderator present.

I would like to Moderate Checkers (I come in the room every day!) So let me know please

FlyOrDie User!
I hate it when they act that way but I don't see it very often