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oi amigos do FlyOrDie games!!
eu queria saber porq o moderator "M.A.S.H.4077" baniu o 
Ðoidao_Unido e o Ðark_unido ...so porq nos estavamos 2x1?
mas e o eilat e o andersow ??porq o moderator "M.A.S.H.4077" falo q ia banir por 72 horas e nao baniu eles?isso e discriminação?so porq os 2 sao army members?.....

e depos q fui banido com o nick Ðoidao_Unido eu entrei com ╞▒╡Ðøîðåø╞▒╡ . PĿΛЙEŦ ЙEМP . FlyOrDie.™ mas o moderator "M.A.S.H.4077" me baniu falando q violei as regras "Reason:5.5" mas porq so eu ???tem tanta pessoa com 2 nick no FlyOrDie games.. por favor queria q vocés amigos do FlyOrDie games .olha-se isso "direito" ja q eu fui banido porq não bani o resto q tb viola as regras?...

he said:

Hello friends of the FlyOrDie games!  I will want to know porq the moderator "M.A.S.H.4077" banished the Ðoidao_United and the Ðark_united ...so porq we were us 2x1?  But and the eilat and the andersow?? porq the moderator "M.A.S.H.4077" I speak that is going to banish for 72 hours and nao banished they that and discrimination? I am porq
the 2 I leave army members? .....  

And depos that MYSELF was banished with the nick Ðoidao_United I entered with ╞▒╡Ðøîðåø╞▒╡ .  PĿΛЙEŦ ЙEМP.  Flyordie.™ but the moderator "M.A.S.H.4077" banished me speaking that I violated the rules "Reason:5.5" but porq I am I ???tem so much person with 2 nick in the FlyOrDie games.. please will want that vocés friends of the FlyOrDie games. looks-itself that "right" ja that I was banished porq did not I banish the remainder q tb violates the rules? ...  
OOOOOhhh Doido u negócio é u seguinte...us poliça tem poder d+, baniru meus 2 capita tb. Um foi u Mash e u outro o Harry Dog ... esses kra são tudo uns frustradu ... fora poliça ... 6 são muito arbitrariu ... UUUUUhhhh prus poliça ... - u brian ... hiehiehie ...
Tony! ohh stay out of my way! your alway's bothering me! what did i do? and when i said

>>> And when i said " i didn't catch that " it mean's i didn't understand all of it!

You know other people can speak more than 1 language! And if you keep wispering to me about the league's and trying to shut allmods down and all your little swear word's there will be a screenshot taken! i'm watching you...            
ha wot a idiot Now i can c y he wants to become a moderator
Maybe because its a "non-english" forum post, idiot.