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Why does it make me move
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Why does it make me move
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Why does it make me move
Why in checkers they make you move where they want you to move it literally makes me do a move I don't want to do?sorry to bug about something stupid have a blessed day.
As others have said here, the official rules of checkers require jumps when possible.  In other words If presented with multiple jump opportunities the player can choose which one they want to take but must take one or the other.  These are not just Flyordie rules, they are the rules of checkers as found in any publication regarding the game throughout history. Hope this helps.  

It is how the rules are.it seems you are accustomed to chess, takes a little time making the transition!!! Good luck with your games!!
Hello 🦋Sherry Lynn🦋,
Captures or 'jumps' are mandatory. 
For more information please see FlyOrDie's Checkers rules:   -->  

Kind regards,
Hello Sherry Lyn,
Does it happends every game?
Or was it one time bug?