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Ragequit on break, take some action please
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Ragequit on break, take some action please
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Ragequit on break, take some action please
  Hello, I ve been playing on this site for a long time and I always had a problem with the ones who are leaving on a break (some of mine where stopped and could be decent ones).
  I think that would be a good thing to do something about it, I mean probably a timeout for the ones who are leaving on the opponent's break would work. 
  Only the ones who were put in this situation before, could know how frustrating it is.

I have experienced those situations and its really annoying for me. And besides giving a timeout for the players who leave, I have visited other online snooker games before and found that a player can still continue their break even if their opponent leaves and their break are still counted. I think FOD can try this too.
yes but that would be abused by some as always