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losing points
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losing points
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losing points
How can a player lose points when they do not play a game? I had 400 points in Backgammon...today I have 398...and have not played any games! What gives?
The 24 hour rating decrease is to stop players sitting at the top of a list with the most points even if they stop playing the game for a while (in my opinion) this is a good feature to avoid people complaining about being unable to get the #1 spot on many different games.

Rating reduction
Overall ratings are decreased each day by an amount depending on the current rating.

The following formula is used: 
Rn = ( Ro * Ro ) / 125000 
Rn is the new rating. 
Ro the old (previous day) rating.

Rating	Amount subtracted
below 353-	1
354-500-	2
501-612-	3
613-707-	4
708-790-	5
791-866-	6
867-935-	7
936-1000-	8
So players with higher rating will see their rating decrease quicker. 
A 500 rating will reach zero in approximately 1.5 years without playing.