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Being a smart*cough* would be my first thought...though it is a bit ridiculous...but then again, this SS could have been taken at a seperate time ;)
SRV did right in my opinion, should be so smart should ya ;) plus its things like that what jus kick off arguments (pointless ones i may add) within the lobbies causing the swearing etc. 
The Ban was not related to this screenshot at all.
Looking at the screenshot it looks like another high ranking kid trying to be clever. Looks like he shot himself in the foot trying to complain about a MOD, I dont think there is such a thing as a bad MODERATOR (least of all SRV). There's leanient MODS, and theres no nonsense MODS. These kids who complain about MODS often provoke to get a reaction, I think it's time these kids took their punishment, instead of crying and acting like bullies.
   It amazes me how stupid this kid is saying his name with the screenshot got banned but posts in the forum in another subbed name>>>>>>>>> BAN EVASION?

Stop the crying, grow up and have fun.
Homer - you should be banned for your name.