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Back Hole
Does anyone know what would happen if the event horizon of two black holes crosses?
Interesting question, but we can only theorise as to the answer.

Black holes are formed when a star 4–15 times the mass of our own "dies".

To understand this question fully, it is important not to think of a black hole, not as a hole, but as an object.

Anyway, black holes are formed when a star 4–15 times the mass of our own "dies" (when it can no longer fuse elements such as hydrogen together - it explodes.)

It is basically just a white dwarf, but with so much gravitational force, that nothing within the event horizon (the "surface") can escape from it.

So what would happen? 

Well, the answer is that the same thing happens when any two masses join each other. It would become one, bigger mass.

Peace and love,
Sorry, I repeated the same sentence twice...
I would then envision it would once again have enough energy to become a star 10-30 times larger than ours.
The event horizon is still nothing. It is just the area around the black hole, nothing, not even light, can escape. (Unless the object was traveling faster than the speed of light). The size of the actual black hole is infinitly small, adding both masses together would still give you a size infinitly small. I'm wondering what would happen to space-time if too such massive objects became that close...

Suit you said when a start 4-15 solar masses dies. Yet the biggest star we know of is 150 solar masses...surely that would form a black hole, presumably as big, or bigger as the one (or collection) in the centre of a galaxy.

Snipe they wouldnt be able to join together and re-ignite as a star because any fundamental particals have been pulled together so tightly they no longer exist. Even assuming they formed this star, which became ignited, the force of gravity (although not strictly a force) would not be strong enough to counteract the force of the radiation pressure and the star would simply become supernova again, forming another black hole.

WTF is a black hole? wtf does it do? does it svck u in it? Its mystterois.

I m Kobe i win 12 championships.:D
"Suit you said when a start 4-15 solar masses dies"


I actually said when a star 4-15 times BIGGER THAN OUR OWN SUN dies. I did not mention solar masses.

And hara, there is such a thing that can escape from an event horizon of a black hole, and that is Hawking radiation. Basically thermal radiation, which can be calulated using quantum field theory in non-linear space-times...

These, are in fact formed on the edge of the event horizon.

"any fundamental particals have been pulled together so tightly they no longer exist"

I was under the impression no matter what you do to particles they cannot just disappear.
I think the mass of whatever is pulled in is squashed to the size of an atom thus highlighting the gravitational pull.

Which brings up the theory of white holes. Anything pulled into the black hole has to be thrown out somewhere else, maybe even a parallel universe.

But that's another debate...


The "White hole" theory is a widely discredited theory, and is pretty much a "joke" entertained only by those with a limited understanding of astrophysics.

Learn HoW to spell please hara? Its black hole not back hole ;\
Hehe thanks suit mate i'll top up my knowledge on the subject ;)

Nah in all seriousness that theory i don't agree with either i was just throwing it into the debate. 

I remember watching a program about black holes and they actually caught one on photograph, not as you think, but as it passed in front of a star radiation that they gave out which produced a kind of mishaped radiation and a visible sphere which i guess was the black hole.

Interesting subject though.
I actually said when a star 4-15 times BIGGER THAN OUR OWN SUN dies. I did not mention solar masses.

. I was getting confused with other bastárd units, 
I thought you were talking about something else I am trying to understand in my astrophysics.

But I am, nonetheless correct. :D
Let's see who's brain hurts first then

A solar mass IS one time the size of our sun.
Sorry Suit, didn't see your other post after. Read over it all very quickly.

If a plane travelling at mach 3.5 has enough mass to cause a noticable (well, by a machine) time dilation to the observer, then surely a mass such as a black hole must seriously effect the bending of the space-time continuum, which is why I suspect that the "worm hole" theory could have serious credibility.

Basically this means that it could "transport" you to another section of space. Sure, you would be a dead, charred and crushed to the size where a nanmeter would be a few hundred miles, but an interesting thought nonetheless ;\

is that true though cause its only a science theory and you science has been known to be wrong in different circumstances and if a black hole occurs every time a star loses its gases n stuff wudnt that mean eventually when the subn burns out it would cause a big black hole big enough to swallow the planets :| but if i swallows the planets as it being massive in diameter and if stuff does get crushed maybe it might jus transport the planet elsewhere in the galaxy and could be doing it without people noticing and could ave done it earlier on life like before there was telescopes  
No, only huge stars, 3 or 4 times bigger than our own sun can form a black hole. Most that follow stars main sequence will just become white dwarfs. Larger ones neutron stars, and larger still will form black holes.

Too answer Kobes question imagine space-time as a flat plane. Around objects with a gravitional field space time is warped slightly, around objects with a huge gravitational field it is warped alot. Imagining space-time like this would show space-time around a black hole do dip very steeply to an infinitly small point. Hard to explain but easy to show with a diagram. This is esentially what gravity is, not a force but a distortion in space-time.

I also think if space-time can be manipulated with a massive object, (although small black holes are massive) people could one day learn to manipulate it themselves in the form of worm holes like Suit said.
And if any Star Trek fans say "like warp drive" I 
 slap them.
i would start running very quick hara... lol

>I was under the impression no matter what you do to particles they cannot just disappear.

Then you were wrong. 
Hara, any particles súcked into the black hole do not cease to exist, techinically they do stil exist, but in a different form.
Only in the way you would still exist if you were sucked into a blender.
So you think the by-product of a black hole could be a smoothie?
The only reason you can't see a black hole is that the mass is so great it draws light back into it. You see other things once the light emitted or bounced off them reaches us, but because the light of a black hole is attracted INTO and NOT AWAY from it, we see a lack of light and hence a dark spot. As Suit says, a black hole is neither black nor a hole.
You can see a black hole from where it tears away parts of other stars though. And it seems pretty much like a hole to me when you look at space-time as 2d.
But its to hard to model like that. People look at it as a 2d plane when showing the effects of gravity.