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subscribson help info
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subscribson help info
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subscribson help info
hey yall just wondering 
is there a way i can get a name change on here but i still keep the time left on my sub i get harrassed about my user name all the time im not g*y ok any one ever think that it was a good way to get girls to play duh
it is so imature to run up while u are in a game and yell out ur g*y then run off childish i have taken ss but i have had no relpys from any of the mods i would like any suggestion of what i can do and if i can change it i will figure out a new nick 
and could i keep every thing i have just change the nick seems easy dont quite know if it is though thx 
and dont reply to this unless u can help
You might get the subscription transfered under exceptional circumstances, but you would be better asking the right people. Try support@flyordie.com - good luck!
It may be best to make another (free) ID first, then ask if they can transfer the subscription.
thx i will also e-mail support and see what they say thx 

sry but do u remeber me? u seem familiar?
i dotn think we have meet nut if i run into you i might play u a game 
whats your rating since i know high players are to stuck up to play lower ones:D
havent been on in a while. i do know that i played and chatted with you and u helped me out agains two guys.