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never mods when you need them
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Dear Moderators
never mods when you need them
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Dear Moderators
never mods when you need them
i noticed that there are never any mods in the lobby when you need them.. i think that FOD should accept more moderators. It would help keep this site better
I have to agree with you storm, never enough, and we've applied to be 1, still....nothing. I would like to say my kids play these games but its qiute the opposite. i wont allow them
Would you smoke weed in front of a police staion? Didn't think so. People do it when there's no one to stop them. How clever. ;\
:D If I was there they'd be too thoed to know who stole it. ;)
I think you need 2 stop smoking it now pelon.
>I would like to say my kids play these games but its qiute the opposite. i wont allow them
Do you stop them from walking on the street or visiting shopping malls? Real life isn't much different.

>Would you smoke weed in front of a police staion?
>>You can in Amsterdam.
No, you can't, you have to be on licenced premises. However, on Hastings beach there is rarely anyone in the Police Station, so you'll probably get away with it.
Hello Mr nit picker,{beppe}
If the licenced premises was in front of the police station, would that be ok for you ????????

Actually im very careful what my kids are or arent aloud to do. And if it meant that i was to stop t6hem from the things u surgested Beepe then I would. Do you have kids?
Oh and Beppe, your probibly right in a way, but I can control this 1
>Actually im very careful what my kids are or arent aloud to do. And if it meant that i was to stop t6hem from the things u surgested Beepe then I would.
>>Oh and Beppe, your probibly right in a way, but I can control this 1

Good answers, these are possibly the ONLY two things you could have said which I would have respected. I was just checking that you were not making an argument for the sake of it :)
i actually did smoke weed in front of the police station as u suggested. nothing happened.
n e way i digress.
mods are just a pain, they ban innocents and ignore repeat offenders.
quite frankly its a joke.
i actually did smoke weed in front of the police station as u suggested. nothing happened.

Don't lie.
>nothing happened.

Then it wasn't weed.
It was. But not the kind of weed we think :D
Lol, cooch rather then hooch hey