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Own email?
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Own email?
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Own email?
How can i get my own email e.g flyordie@play8ball.com ?
anyone no ?:D
like my msn address to be fozmeister@irule.com
i think he means instead of having @hotmail.com or something like that at the end,he wants his own,like moderator@flyordie.com ,but i dont know how to get it
ah ok :)
But I also dont know how to get it. :(
I know what they mean, fozmeister@flyordie.com.

The only person(s) that can set up an e-mail address
for you is the owner of the web space to which the flyordie
domain name(s) are pointed too.

Two draw backs to why this wouldn't work;

1, Your e-mails that you send and receive would tie
up and slow down the server. (If their large enough
I.e pictures etc.)

2, The owner of the web space can view all your sent
and received e-mails, even deleting them, if they wished.

Hope this answers your questions! :D

yes thats what i ment i dont want flyordie.com at the end tho lol but thx guys :p 
Oh. :)

In that case, just do a google (Or which ever search engine you use) for "custom e-mail addresses".

That should give you some places that offer what
you're looking for! :D

I thibnk this works. www.eatmyshorts.com and you should be able to do from there.