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Large Steals
Large Steals
Large Steals
Success! You have managed to pilfer 24,197 silvers from Matteo de Grande!
1193 experience points earned!
You need 14 086 799 more experience points for the next level!

Matteo de Grande hits you for 180 hitpoints damage with her/his dracosteel club!
Your opponent's weapon vampirizes 34 hitpoints to her/him!
Your strike staggered your enemy! You've made 230 hitpoints damage with your elvensteel log!
Your weapon vampirizes 40 hitpoints to you!
You've won a heroic battle!!!
7000 experience points earned for the victory.
You need 14 079 799 more experience points for the next level!
You obtained 1 famepoints!
Now you have 1912 famepoints!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 25 diamond nails from LordPanther!
4421 experience points earned!
You need 13 981 859 more experience points for the next level!

LordPanther hits you for 251 hitpoints damage with her/his dracosteel axe!
Your opponent's weapon vampirizes 42 hitpoints to her/him!
Your powerful attack has scared your enemy! You've made 213 hitpoints damage with your elvensteel log!
Your weapon vampirizes 37 hitpoints to you!
You've won a heroic battle!!!
27000 experience points earned for the victory.
You need 13 954 859 more experience points for the next level!
You obtained 100 famepoints!
Now you have 2108 famepoints
Success! You have managed to pilfer a vampire sabre from manslayer!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 28 diamond nails from DolphinofBlue!
4184 experience points earned!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 4,010 silvers from Laurina!
1189 experience points earned!

Jaminez has tried to steal from you!!!
Sneaky Fran would laugh at the attempt just made to steal from you. You turn the tables on the unsuspecting thief and acquire a stump dagger from their backpack!
1112 experience points earned!
You need 13 923 280 more experience points for the next level!
You take pity on your chosen victim and decide to practice your skills elsewhere. You will have a chance another time.

Success! You have managed to pilfer 292 silvers from Udae!
704 experience points earned!
You need 13 906 648 more experience points for the next level!
You can go to the casino to develop your stealing skill!

292 silvers Slim?  ....
wow.. WTG!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 4842 silvers from Quicksilver!

Now THATS a large steal!:D

Well Done Kitty
Come on slim, get with it bro. Some of those steals aint even close to being large. 
Well, speaking for my character, Matteo De Grande.  I thought one of them was extremely large.

Sgt. Slim is my new idea of a shadow lurker.  Come out of the Weapons shop.  maybe 1sec, heading to the bank and my bag comes up light....Just ain't right I tell ya.
Well between 10k-28k is large.The stump dagger and 200 some silvers isnt.
Success! You have managed to pilfer 11,834 silvers from The Proffesor!

MoleKat ;)
Success! You have managed to pilfer 17,144 Silvers from reborn again! 
don't remember who it was from but a week or two ago i managed to steal 215k from some poor unfortunate doing a bank run!!!!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
14,868 silvers
 from Lucio SkyDiamond!
4403 experience points earned!
You need 34 328 282 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico II
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
14,026 silvers
 from kusc!
4411 experience points earned!
You need 6 229 782 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
42,000 silvers
 from crustydigger!
9303 experience points earned!
You need 8 550 154 more experience points for the next level!

 has tried to steal from you!!!
Sneaky Fran would laugh at the attempt just made to steal from you. You turn the tables on the unsuspecting thief and acquire 
a prayer-wheel
 from their backpack!
3710 experience points earned!
You need 44 108 453 more experience points for the next level!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
5 magic nu
bs from 
9729 experience points earned!

Gotta love those double whammies.
Success! You have managed to pilfer 7,600 silvers from ZJFMFG!
775 experience points earned!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 4,296 silvers from WICK!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
13,836 silvers
1093 experience points earned!
You need 2 727 347 more experience points for the next level!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
3,069 silvers
 from dux!
1951 experience points earned!
You need 24 123 229 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
19,151 silvers
 from fortuna fossorium!
5435 experience points earned!
You need 3 446 062 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico III
Stole about 150,000 silver earlier this afternoon from someone whose name I cant remember, but it was something like sylvan
Success! You have managed to pilfer 40 diamond nails from Nuada!  
Sorry Cinder :D

MoleKat :D
yeah suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure you are:p

Sorry it wasnt 50 of em!


(The victim for once)
Success! You have managed to pilfer 7,232 silvers from Porche911!

 has tried to steal from you!!!
Sneaky Fran would laugh at the attempt just made to steal from you. You 
turn the tables
 on the unsuspecting thief and acquire 
5 magic nubs
 from their backpack!
105 experience points earned!
You need 1 898 823 more experience points for the next level!

MoleKat ;)
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
3,904 silvers
 from jason no 5!
6077 experience points earned!
You need 26 391 462 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico II
Success! You have managed to pilfer 31,486 silvers from Vote 4 Pedro!

Whoo Hoo! TYVM :D

:D MoleKat:D
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
2,357 silvers
 from scottydawg!
2062 experience points earned!
You need 9 645 022 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 21,173 silvers from digging101!
2074 experience points earned!
You need 13 730 481 more experience points for the next level!

Good news..

Success! You have managed to pilfer an 
Shadow Fiend
7588 experience points earned!:)

and then the bad news...

Shadow Fiend hits you for 1323 hitpoints damage with her/his composium iron!
Your opponent's weapon vampirizes 242 hitpoints to her/him!
Your opponent has defeated you!!!
Your opponent's taken 
2 miracle satchels, an antidote, an earblade and a hour-glass
 from you.

Didn't even make it off the square AND he took my balloon :(
its amazing Cinder stands tall to Slim but thievin cowars b-4 Hound,hmmmm go figure?
Success! You have managed to pilfer 1,335 silvers from halo7!
662 experience points earned!
You need 13 722 010 more experience points for the next level!

> Didn't even make it off the square AND he took my balloon

Copying the text probably doesn't speed up your escape much...!

its amazing Cinder stands tall to Slim but thievin cowars b-4 Hound,hmmmm go figure?

erm...pardon? When did this supposed cowering take place? Last time I saw Glory hound was when you used Sgt.Slim to steal from Cinder, and homeported and swopped characters to Hound...want me to send you the screenshot?
By all means attack Thievin with Hound if you want to...just don't expect me to stand around and let it happen...UNLESS I've stolen from you, then I'll take the beating. I might have sticky fingers but hiding I cant be accused of.
Lol..what do you expect from a character with an IQ of 1 Sandy? :p
well. wen and if Thievin ever has the courage to die by Hounds hand let me know cuz Thievin runs from Hound like Slim does from thievin
and every time Slim steals from Just he takes his beating too so dont you start either, m8
Jus`Thievin` has tried to steal from you!!!
Sneaky Fran would laugh at the attempt just made to steal from you. You turn the tables on the unsuspecting thief and acquire a recovery drink from their backpack!
1431 experience points earned!
You need 13 714 850 more experience points for the next level!
Your victim noticed the attempt and quickly moved away to stop you!

Jus`Thievin` has tried to steal from you!!!
Sneaky Fran would laugh at the attempt just made to steal from you. You turn the tables on the unsuspecting thief and acquire 4 mobilo diavovinos from their backpack!
1328 experience points earned!
You need 13 713 522 more experience points for the next level!
You've lost sight of your chosen victim.

lol..all part of the plan Slim...get ya slightly tispy and then attack you...
yes send me a ss of w/e you were speaking of, cuz lord knows I can take you will all but 1 of my guys m8
Sorry about the delay in getting back to you Slim, was just admiring the wonderful level 30 and 31 you have that can beat a level 45...well either that or my math is wrong..cause if all but one of your characters can beat Thievin, obviously one of those two will be worth keeping an eye on in the future.
ok all but 2 can beat thievin, but if you look back at posts tonight even Slim got to beat up thievin, so it was well worth it lol :p
lol...if you want to kill thievin you better hurry up, cause Lazario just left him in a pile of itty bitty pieces in the CC...hes a broken thief and ripe for the pickings:p
look I love ya Cinder, bottom line, but any time you wanna try me you know where to fine me m8
Halo7 has tried to steal from you!
Sneaky Fran would laugh at the attempt you just made! You turn the tables on the unsuspecting theif and aquire 826 silvers from their backpack!

well braves we meet again! I turned against you! :D
:o logo you got that much off of braves?
well what do you expect only have a low stealing lv  

if ya want i can bring my real thief out to play :p
Success! You hav managed to pilfer 4,231 silvers from Ramoth!


:D MoleKat :D
Well, my marketeer/stealer(from try to steal action) stole that much becuz of only stealing was in 20's!
Success! You have managed to pilfer a 
magician staff

14378 experience points earned!

not really large...just funny:p

I couldn't remember person but...
Sneaky fran would laugh at the attempt you just made! you turn the tables on the unsuspecting theif and aquire a mana potion from their backpack!
(not a large steal and i couldn't remember last lines either but it will help mage! :D)
Logobrett :D

Digger with attitude!
Like last post couldn't remember person experience and wasn't large steal but...
Sneaky Fran would laugh at the attempt you just made! You turn the tables on the unsuspecting theif and aquire a honey-balm from their back pack.
Little Boo has tried to steal from you!!!
Sneaky Fran would laugh at the attempt just made to steal from you. You turn the tables on the unsuspecting thief and acquire 7,206 silvers from their backpack!
19280 experience points earned!
You need 821 891 927 more experience points for the next level!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 4,701 silvers from I want it!

:D tyvm

MoleKat :)

Success! You have managed to pilfer a kithril from Reborn again!

MoleKat :D
Success! You have managed to pilfer 6,858 silvers from Ramoth!

:) Again.. Tyvm

:D Molekat
Success! You have managed to pilfer 3,431 silvers from one eye!

Success! You have managed to pilfer a magician staff from Arr Dunn!

You may go to the casino now :D lvl 201!

Success! You have managed to pilfer a kithril from Wiggles!

:D MoleKat
Success! You have managed to pilfer 4,340 silvers from Roark! 

Molekat :D
Success! You have managed to pilfer a subtatoo from Callum3!

Tyvm Sandy!  On the market!
> Tyvm Sandy! On the market!

I've got 11,000 credits at the tent... I think I'll pass on your 180,000 offer!

FYI, I clicked the red arrow two or three times while you were copying the text, but didn't manage to get through.  Next time, perhaps.


Success! You have managed to pilfer a 
ruby mail shirt
Quit Whining

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
8,528 silvers
 from Ali from Cairo!
1726 experience points earned!
You need 19 863 932 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 29 Vamp herbs from MagicRose!

Tyvm! On the market!

MoleKat :D

Success! You have managed to pilfer 15 diamond nails from Prospector Jr!

Tyvm Sandy!!

MoleKat :D

Success! You have managed to pilfer 3,693 silvers from Vedric!!

Tyvm again ;)

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
2 hydragen-carbids
5046 experience points earned
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
17 diamond nails
Pyro God
7089 experience points earned!

Mafarrico III
 has tried to steal from you!!!
Sneaky Fran would laugh at the attempt just made to steal from you. You turn the tables on the unsuspecting thief and acquire 
16 diamond nails
 from their backpack!

Only another 80 and we're even :p
you can have your stuff back any time you wanna come and get it
erm...well to add to yesterdays tale of woe...V2 somehow managed to "forget the evil person"....so looks like you got a freebie :(


(Glad yesterdays over and done with)
Hey Cinder, Thanks for cleaning up the place.

LMAO.. not large.. but Very funny! hehe :D

Bogateer has tried
 to steal from you!!!
Sneaky Fran would laugh at the attempt just made to steal from you. You 
turn the tables
 on the unsuspecting thief and acquire 
a crowbar
 from their backpack!

308 experience poi
nts earned!
You need 1 716 032 more experience points for the next level!
Success! You have managed to 
pilfer 2 crowbars

729 experience points earned
You need 1 715 303 more experience points for the next level!

TY for the great exp Racy!


Now this was a nice one!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
11,170 silvers
874 experience points earned!
You need 1 710 878 more experience points for the next level

TY racy! again :D

Success! You have managed to pilfer 38 magic nubs from Dr Who!

tyvm on market :D

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
 silvers from 
Engimatic Sage!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
 silvers from 

Success! You have managed to pilfer a hyper bodyshield from Mafarrico II!


On the market :D

LOL this has gotta hurt....

Mafarrico II has tried to steal from you!!!

Sneaky Fran would laugh at the attempt just made to steal from you. You 
turn the tables
 on the unsuspecting thief and acquire a 
giant axe
 from their backpack!
309 experience points earned!
You need 1 635 654 more experience points for the next level!

Molekat :D
VERY nice on getting the body sheild:D:D
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
 silvers from 

You stuff the following things into your sack: 147,693 silvers, an antidote, an aqua dei, 20 dragonscales and 15 dragonteeth.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 7 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
Hows this one Lilmey ;)

Success! You have managed to pilfer 35,233 silvers from Shoole!

MoleKat Strikes again!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 7,673 silvers from Gwynhyfer!
2144 experience points earned!
 has tried to steal from you!!!
You teach the unsuspecting thief a small lesson in humilty, by battering them over the head a few times!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
6,290 silvers from Marillion
2532 experience points earned!

Mafarrico III
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
46,594 silvers
4627 experience points earned!
You need 36 947 431 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico II
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
1,043 silvers
Lord Aran
3198 experience points earned!
You need 3 736 290 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
41,470 silvers
4317 experience points earned!
You need 22 030 095 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico III
Alien Contraption
 from Bob :D

On the Market

MoleKat :D
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
54 vampiric herbs
only speed
4039 experience points earned!
You need 10 210 247 more experience points for the next level!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
2,093 silvers
3124 experience points earned!
You need 9 891 257 more experience points for the next level!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 8,136 silvers from Tea Leaf!

MoleKat :D

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
5,002 silvers
Mini Mole

Mafarrico III
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
12,482 silvers

3354 experience points earned!

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
6,430 silvers
2990 experience points earned!

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
14,465 silvers 
from McDoug!
1798 experience points earned!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
12,165 silvers
cool guy2
770 experience points earned!

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
86,666 silvers
Merry Christmas
3271 experience points earned!

Oh oh oh!!!

Mafarrico IV
and then you went and hid like a little girl.
Success! You have managed to pilfer a magician staff from arnett!
13213 experience points earned!
You need 41 437 961 more experience points for the next level!
First good steal:D
Success! You have managed to pilfer 6,367 silvers from Lady Stardust!

You weed out the contents of the drawers at a quick pace, making a great heap of things on the ground. When you find the size of the pile big enough, you look through it to find something valuable...
You stuff the following things into your sack: 291 pcs. of copper ore.
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 5 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that TheLostDutchman lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.
404 experience points earned!

And now I am effectivly bogged down ad 125LBs over my weigth limit. Too bad I had to dump half those copper thingys.
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
42 magic nubs from i am evil!

tyvm knoxy :D
Success! You have managed to pilfer 6,020 silvers from gyrtsedr!
640 experience points earned!
You need 704 175 more experience points for the next level!
not too good but i decided that i might as well start posting my good steals
Success! You have managed to pilfer 19,906 silvers from Justicar!

Whoo Hoo :D

Molekat now at lvl 205!

You have managed to pilfer 
6,725 silvers
 from Demosthenes!
5980 experience points earned!
You need 130 079 930 more experience points for the next level!

Success! You have managed to pilfer A 
 from Madhatter!

Whoo Hoo :D
Tyvm! On the market

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
12,337 silvers
cool guy2
929 experience points earned!
You need 35 382 302 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
my top two so far on Im De Ranged are manasatchel from braves, and dragonheart from boo
Success! You have managed to pilfer 227,220 silvers from Jagatai!

TYVM jaga :D
OMG braves......how much more do you need?!?!:O
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
90 Vampiric Herbs
Zen Master

Sorry AA! 

MoleKat :D

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
130,900 silvers

Molekat :D


Success! You have managed to pilfer 
21 ore puttys


Tyvm! On the Market!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
10,324 silvers

:D tyvm!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
66 diamond nails

Molekat :D

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
11 magic nubs
bob the bum


Tyvm! On the Market!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 47,928 silvers from MOLE OF USA!  :)

You're welcome Beavis ;)

Success! You have managed to pilfer 105,321 silvers from Pointlessfun!   I clicked so fast... I think thats who it was.

Molekat :D
Success! You have managed to pilfer a hydrasteel sword from Delpoy!
1524 experience points earned!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
29,399 silvers
Captain Charisma
4455 experience points earned!
You need 42 800 970 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico II
22 ore putties and 10 (or so) magic nubs from janu

Success! You have managed to pilfer a magician staff from SLAPHAPPY!
348 experience points earned!
You need 79 448 more experience points for the next level!
You can go to the casino to develop your stealing skill!
Oh and a membrane whatever from boo..
Success! You have managed to pilfer
 35 diamond nails
5170 experience points earned!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
94,937 silvers
 from Diggersaur!
25501 experience points earned!
You need 
88 081 511
 more experience points for the next level!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 25,291 silvers from Aluminati!
682 experience points earned!
You need 197 809 more experience points for the next level!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
51,049 silvers
4172 experience points earned!
You need 14 923 316 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
265,331 silvers
14619 experience points earned!

Every now and then....  
I think I qualify ;). 
You've managed to pilfer 
96,431 silvers
Ok, I didn't stop to document this, but I got a 
Ruby Wizardkiller
 from Mafarrico IV.

Yay me!

I took a picture tube off toobad4youihave yesterday - it will probably be the death of me.
Success! You have managed to pilfer a golden mail shirt from Yorick!
800 experience points earned!
You need 12 961 328 more experience points for the next level!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 177,926 silvers
 from redrum 8734!
1966 experience points earned!
You need 2 207 638 more experience points for the next level!

:D I think this is MoleKat's all time high Cash Steel :D

Her biggest steal was Kithrill Boots :D


Success! You have managed to pilfer 
44,500 silvers 
from captkangaroo!
390 experience points earned!
You need 2 119 887 more experience points for the next level!

MoleKat :D

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
 silvers from 

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
 silvers from 

My bank account thanks you:)
Success! You have managed to 
pilfer 15,012 silvers
Tom Bombadillo
693 experience points earned!
You need 2 062 264 more experience points for the next level!

MoleKat :D

Success! You have managed to 
pilfer 73,855 silvers
859 experience points earned!
You need 2 060 756 more experience points for the next level!

Molekat :D

Success! You have managed to 
pilfer 14,272 silvers
457 experience points earned!
You need 1 997 740 more experience points for the next level!

MoleKitty is haven a good day :D
Mafarrico II has tried to steal from you!!!
Sneaky Fran would laugh at the attempt just made to steal from you. You turn the tables on the unsuspecting thief and acquire a 
miracle satchel
 from their backpack!
299 experience points earned!
You need 1 171 491 more experience points for the next level!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
 silvers from Mafarrico II!
822 experience points earned!
You need 1 170 669 more experience points for the next level!

Success! You have 
managed to pilfer 28,649 silvers
446 experience points earned!
You need 1 928 581 more experience points for the next level!


MoleKat ;)

Success! You have 
managed to pilfer 100,113 silvers
unicorn eyes
1625 experience points earned!
You need 1 899 335 more experience points for the next level!

:D another good day for MoleKitty :D

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
18 diamond nails
1025 experience points earned!
You need 1 861 687 more experience points for the next level!

Molekat strikes again! :D

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
10 hyperiums
1167 experience points earned!
You need 1 732 986 more experience points for the next level!

Molekat Strikes again! :D

Success! You have managed to 
pilfer 9 alien gadgets
Son of 80
2065 experience points earned!
You need 1 728 486 more experience points for the next level!


Success! You have managed to pilfer 
289 treasures
395 experience points earned!
You need 1 726 046 more experience points for the next level!

MoleKat :D
Success! You have managed to 
pilfer 11 diamond nails
Arei the Guard
735 experience points earned!
You need 1 644 077 more experience points for the next level!

Ty ;) Molekat
Success! You have managed to 
pilfer 34 magic nubs
615 experience points earned!
You need 1 607 073 more experience points for the next level!

OOps.. :p sorry KMS

:D Molekat

At least u were a good kitty and gave them back

(So much for the pass :p)
Hey :| it was an accident....

Those lil flaggys switch places sooo fast..

It just jumped right under my mouse!
Success! You have managed to 
pilfer 21,016 silvers
490 experience points earned!
You need 1 332 112 more experience points for the next level!

Molekat :D

Success! You have managed to 
pilfer 50 diamond nails

822 experience points earned!
You need 1 270 093 more experience points for the next level!

:p Well.. you WERE standing on my block ... hehe

Molekat :D
Success! You have managed to 
pilfer 14 oreputtys
Little Boo
2237 experience points earned!
You need 1 125 280 more experience points for the next level!

Molekat :D
Success! You have managed to 
pilfer 60 oreputtys
574 experience points earned!
You need 1 119 913 more experience points for the next level!

:D Tyvm Sandy!

Molekat :D
> ...50 diamond nails...
> ...14 oreputtys...
> ...60 oreputtys...

The TA invading armies should hire you on as a mercenary.  They'd be so proud of how well you're managing to slow down our progress on TA!

BTW, thanks for the 50% price tag... I was expecting worse!


Ok sandy.. I Take offence to that.

Yes I posted the good steals I had today.  But FYI >

I gave everyone back the stuff that they asked for back.

Had you been in Chat I would have given yours back also instead of putting them on the market.

That is why you it was hard for you to click on me. I was waiting for you to show up in chat to ask for it back while i posted the steal on forum... When you didn't appear.. I posted on Market for 50%.  I think if you ask anyone in chat you will get the same answer. I ALWAYS give back if asked. :|

*steps off her box. There. Piece said.*

Molekat ~ the Respected Theif ;\

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
14 diamond nails
210 experience points earned!
You need 597 801 more experience points for the next level!

> I gave everyone back the stuff that they asked for back.

Yes, you did, and thanks again for that.  I guess I shouldn't have spoken for the others, but you sure slowed down 
 building groove!  It's not your fault you're a good thief (!), please take my comments as they were intented... in jest!


I finally achieved my first big goal.  

Thiefmaster Puffy Chinquo shows you some interesting tricks... You feel that you've developed your skill! You pay 4,000 silvers for the lessons.

So, do I get a pin, or a hat?  Or is there just some secret handshake I need to learn? :p

Success! You have managed to pilfer 13,576 silvers from weapon!

Congrads TET! 

Unfortunatly the theives in larky are a little harder to pin down in one place than the robbers, so we haven't officially got a 200 Club.. (which Molekat was very irritated to find out)  
We all just kinda pat each other on the back as we pass in CC an say Wtg!



P.s.  Sandy.. Sorry for Jumpin to conclusions.  (previous post)

Success! You have managed to 
pilfer 162,499 silvers
1553 experience points earned!
You need 674 439 more experience points for the next level!

First big steal of lvl 215!

:D TYVM Dolph


Success! You have managed to pilfer 
36,816 silvers
 from 2Bad4You2Have!
1314 experience points earned!
You need 500 362 more experience points for the next level!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 20,841 silvers from JEK!
1316 experience points earned!
You need 12 929 442 more experience points for the next level!

Success! You have managed to pilfer a cure potion from Jus`Thievin`!
4816 experience points earned!
You need 12 914 680 more experience points for the next level!
draco_knight, MageMan87, JEK, Jus`Thievin` are around here too.
time to get squished now :p
Success! You have managed to pilfer
 2 composiums
good or evil

oh ya gotta love that:D (TeT mightn't but hey all the people all the time.....)
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
212,699 silvers
! :)

Success! You have managed to pilfer 37 diamond nails from LegalEagle!
17717 experience points earned!
You need 10 946 348 more experience points for the next level!
Hope your proud of that Caption. Well done for hiding in market on TA for 18 minutes now and bringing Tonta to TA to try as well. 

Enjoy your game on TA, hope its lonely doing your own thing. On another thread you said you had respect for me, well I can't say the feelings mutual.

BTW 37 nails is nothing, I've made 12 million in a couple a days

KmS (legal eagle)
Eh, not really hiding. It was a lucky steal before I went to work and if you were on earlier you would've noticed Tonta and Pelon playing at the same time. Which would most likely mean someone else was playing on my name. My brother ;). Figuring I was way beyond your level I doubted you wanted to fight me anyway so I just left. And true 37 isn't a lot compared to what  theif can steal, I can make the same with Mr AJ so not much to brag about there. :D
so u admit someone else uses ur name that is agaisnt the rules account sharing 
Been admitted it since 2003? Whoa. So what, ban me. It's not like they'll see my name on anotehr IP so there's no evidence. Only my word.
1st of all your name doesn't have to be on an different ip try reading the rules
# 3.11 Using other's account
# 3.12 Lending your nickname to other players

2nd only your word thats good enough my friend, i think your battleship has been sunk byebye
lol Mont don't be thick. Since I started I've broken all the rules in there except these:

# 1.2 is an obscene expression or graphics
# 1.3 incites hatred on the basis of race, nationality, gender, sexuality, religion or other personal characteristic.
# 1.4 refers to body parts or sexuality.
# 1.5 is abusive by profanity or used to harass.
# 1.6 calls to or applies to unlawful action.
# 1.7 is a form of advertising.
# 1.8 indicates that you are an employee or representative of FlyOrDie.
# 1.9 interferes other's reasonable interests.
2.2 operation jumping
2.6 using assistance from computer programs or other people
3.3 Inciting hatred on the basis of race, nationality, gender, sexuality, religion or other personal characteristic.
3.7 Calling to or applying to unlawful action.
# 3.16 Using, developing, promoting, or communicating the existence of a program that grants the user unnatural or unintended benefits in game or that alters performance of the game. 

I know what I'm capable and not capable of. And I can't be  banned for evasion because I still have an e-mail from OP saying I may continue to play FlyOrDie games. So much for you. And my word means nothing. If you're gullible to what state I can easily say I was joking and you would be the same to that. Simple.
Success! You have managed to pilfer a 
 from Zen Master!
9401 experience points earned!

ty ty
You stuff the following things into your sack: 65 gold nuggets, a diamond, a magic hull and 
13 stinkglands
A glimmer catches your attention to the ground! You append 6 diamond nails to your loot.
After rummaging through the junk, you realize that 
A Drunken Donkey
 lives here! You hear a sudden noise and leave the house.

Worlds worst robber, 
And evidently the worlds worst worst thread title reader also:p

Although it IS a nice ROB! :D


(loving a cheap shot)

Thats it????

I'm sooooooooooooooo disapointed, I know you can do better than that!
I think she learned that from Smurf there Cinder  ;)
Success! You have managed to pilfer a disprosium from sneaky pete!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 21 honey balms from steffie80!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
 silvers from 
21413 experience points earned!
and you didnt even say ty how rude :(
much better didnt think people that old had manors :p  yw :|
Gentry have manors.....civilized folk have manners:p
Success! You have managed to pilfer 3 holy symbols from $ilver!

tyvm :D
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
92 vampiric herbs
 from fuzzy wuzzy!
23435 experience points earned :D

Ty Penny
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
30 magic nubs
6769 experience points earned!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
6 airspells
Little Boo
8567 experience points earned!

tyvm :D

you're welcome for the nubs cinder... i had just homeported, and was aiming for the market.  put them to good use.
Success! You have managed to pilfer a centrolium from PiggyDiggy!

ummm ooops? :p  tyvm :D
oh yw braves :)
you missed the 7 hyperiums though :p
Success! You have managed to pilfer an 
alien gadget
Mafarrico II!

Ty, TeT
The glassgolem escaped from you towards east!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
61,770 silvers
Fizzler ab Rok
8897 experience points earned!
You need 41 020 848 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
11,625 silvers
 from obi-won!
230 experience points earned!
You need 1 813 213 more experience points for the next level!

You can go to the casino to develop your stealing skill!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
 silvers from 
Bonafide Rarity
3413 experience points earned!
You need 37 004 950 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
13,258 silvers
 from Dr.D!
10425 experience points earned!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
12,916 silvers
497 experience points earned!
You need 3 854 403 more experience points for the next level!

Molekat :D

Success! You have managed to pilfer a 
243 experience points earned!
You need 3 853 616 more experience points for the next level!

erm... Sorry Bob ;)

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
15,000 silvers
388 experience points earned!
You need 3 820 138 more experience points for the next level!

Molekat :D
Success! You have managed to pilfer 27 diamond nails from hill billy joe!  


TeoT got 78K from cubmoo, I was just too excited to copy it.  

Success! You have managed to pilfer a picture tube from themad1!

tyvm mad :D
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
15,571 silvers
 from Mistress Mage!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
a composium
 from Mistress Mage

Success! You have managed to pilfer an 
extra housepart
 from Mistress Mage!

Lol...ok so I may have had some inside information about an overload...but its all about the order you unload your victim in ;)

Thanks TeT

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
105,375 silvers
♣Lady Luck♣!

3688 experience points earned!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
8 diamond nails
Mafarrico III
2508 experience points earned!

Considering this is my robber, not my thief, not too bad.:D


Success! You have managed to pilfer 28,888 silvers from Padge!

Ty Padge.
TeT.  :D
Cinder grabbed 32 nubs off of me earlier, ever the gent however he attempted to return them.

Crisis, (appreciate the effort mate)
I don't know who I got, but ty for the 178 treasures.  

TeT :D
>>>>>Cinder grabbed 32 nubs off of me earlier, ever the gent however he attempted to return them.

OMG, my reputation is in tatters :(
Success! You have managed to pilfer 40,452 silvers from Lord_Arrojado!

Thank you :D
Success! You have managed to pilfer 60,254 silvers from Shoveler!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
157,928 silvers


Success! You have managed to pilfer 
41,765 silvers
 from KDOG3!
3618 experience points earned!
You need 10 061 930 more experience points for the next level!
Thx Kdog

For A Robber Near You
Hmm..Thought I copied it, but thanks for the 65k Lmik.

TeT :D

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
13 oreputtys
 from simply digging!

Ty, TeT
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
105 vampiric herbs
Mistress Mage

These will help with the new addition. Meph wants a jacuzzi.  :)



I would have been happy to make you some houseparts, you didn't have to steal the food from my childrens bellies.  

Sending my children to bed poor and hungry.
Sucess!  You have managed to  pilfer 
103721 silvers
 from Crazytrain (I think)!

Anyhow,  TYVM

Tea leaf 
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
17 kithrills
 from Mistress Mage!

tyvm TeT :D
Success! You have managed to pilfer an Image from Veriac!

Too bad I didn't stand a chance of keeping it.
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
21,645 silvers
646 experience points earned!
You need 3 361 761 more experience points for the next level!

MoleKat :) in CC ;)
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
 silvers from 
21256 experience points earned!

Going to buy a new doggie-basket Ralphie?

Can't believe you bother to post this when I carry 2.8 mil  LOL   ;)


Actually, I'm ashamed  
44 diamond nails,(I think )...even if I had to give you some back was very generous of you, Sandy. Oh and an opal too! Thank you so much...

Tea leaf :p 

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
25,520 silvers
 from Panday!
494 experience points earned!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 12,698 silvers from MadMax123!
5146 experience points earned!
You need 31 719 021 more experience points for the next level!
One click later I stole a spiderbelly from tyre lol

For A Robber Near You
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
7 composiums
fools gold
169 experience points earned!
You need 148 089 more experience points for the next level!

Ty KMS!!! :D 
Success! You have managed to pilfer 47,330 silvers from G-Digger!

Oooh, ty :D
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
172,897 silvers
Super Groover
1579 experience points earned!

ooh, ty :D:D
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
a subtatoo
453 experience points earned

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
32 diamond nails
cool guy 4
940 experience points earned!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
an alien contraption
sneaky pete
534 experience points earned!

ty :D
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
13,782 silvers
810 experience points earned!
You need 2 543 875 more experience points for the next level!

Molekat :D
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
23 diamond nails
cool guy 4
667 experience points earned!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
22 diamond nails
Hot Old Lady


(Bringer of justice:p)

Success! You have managed to pilfer 144,144 silvers from Mistress Mage!
406 experience points earned!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 57,629 silvers from GreyMouser!
1548 experience points earned!

of course all of this was taken back in a few minutes, but oh well ... :D:D
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
19,319 silvers
 from Jagatai1!
866 experience points earned

22 diamond nails from Jewyl 

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
 silvers from 

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
6 raw composiums
fools gold
259 experience points earned!

oooh, ty :D:D
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
14,431 silvers
579 experience points earned!
You need 2 525 658 more experience points for the next level!

MoleKat :D
What is it with people and my housepart maker ... ur giving him a complex :p

WTG on the stealing though and enjoy the money. (having lost a total of 500k+ in 3 steals recently something I am running out out)

KmS :|
Success! You have managed to 
pilfer 25,580 silvers
364 experience points earned!
You need 2 520 626 more experience points for the next level!

Molekat :D:D
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
15,430 silvers
 from Lazario!
1001 experience points earned!

Managed to pilfer 
29,577 from steffie80
(?)  This is steffies' 2nd big loss in 2 days...tsk tsk

Well, thank you anyhow. :) :)

Tea leaf
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
10,347 silvers
497 experience points earned!
You need 2 278 281 more experience points for the next level!

MoleKat :D
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
321,625 silvers
DoB Digger2
1609 experience points earned!
You need 2 205 339 more experience points for the next level!

OMG!! :D :D :D


Ps. if you want it back... come to chat
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
198,000 silvers
2179 experience points earned!
You need 2 203 160 more experience points for the next level!


Molekat tyvm!
Clicked past it... lol but snagged another 217,800 silvers from Trader :p

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
5 stinkglands
 from dxxx1!

Ty, TeT
Success! You have managed to pilfer 10,402 silvers from magic beef!
3068 experience points earned!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
65,580 silvers
942 experience points earned!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 64,127 silvers from HolidayTube!
3902 experience points earned!
You need 16 088 791 more experience points for the next level!
Wow, just started this month and already need 16 mil to level?  hmmm....doubt it.  

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
76 vampiric herbs

9360 experience points earned!
You need 186 202 614 more experience points for the next level!

Not a great idea parading around the CC on god with those in yer pack. :D


Success! You have managed to pilfer a yetifoot from LucyHunter!
NExt click I lost it again:-(

For A Robber Near You
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
2 hyperiums
 from Theifey!
295 experience points earned!
You need 600 190 more experience points for the next level!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
10 oreputtys
 from Crazykrissy!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
39,787 silvers
9799 experience points earned!
You need 29 939 183 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico II
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
14,905 silvers
Saint Tiasu
485 experience points earned!
You need 2 136 349 more experience points for the next level!

Ty Will :)

i need to be careful lol

the last too big steals have been me :$
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
 silvers from 
Julius Sleezer
5930 experience points earned!
You need 13 086 609 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico II
Success! You have managed to pilfer 47,939 silvers from Arntz!
1020 experience points earned!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
29,499 silvers
1132 experience points earned!
You need 1 106 151 more experience points for the next level!

hrm.... if only I would have popped into bank, instead of taking the time to copy it :p ah well... good take back Arntz ;)

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
42,918 silvers
17837 experience points earned!

Mafarricos IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 12,228 silvers from bartom!
3880 experience points earned!
You need 45 375 072 more experience points for the next level!

For A Robber And A Thief Near You
Success! You have managed to pilfer 70,000 silvers from molymcmole!

Esme Smith
np that was me just trying to do something called building ;)
Success! You have managed to pilfer 32,513 silvers from Bone Crusher!

Esme Smith
so this is by far one of the smallest steals ever.  but it's my digger's first steal from a character in the game.  (that, and it was time to bump this thread to hear some more good steals... it had been a few days).

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
a lapis lazuli
 from Bortreslagghörne!
399 experience points earned!

--jason (simply digging)
Success! You have managed to pilfer 82,345 silvers from Dirkster!

Esme Smith  

Success! You have managed to pilfer 44,497 silvers from JEK!

Esme Smith
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
686 vampiric herbs from EchoLorien

houseparts, here I come  :)

Success! You have managed to pilfer 9,319 silvers from ScorpioPlay!
4389 experience points earned!
You need 17 450 285 more experience points for the next level!

The Youngest Robber In Town
Sucess! You have managed to pilfer 
 silvers from fools gold!

Tea Leaf  :)
Success!  You have managed to pilfer 74,000 silvers from Clickity Clop!

TYVM ,  Tea Leaf 

Success! You have managed to pilfer 101,000 silvers from Player Play!


Tea Leaf  :)

Success! You have managed to pilfer 136,674 silvers from Chum Chum!
1437 experience points earned!
You need 21 266 615 more experience points for the next level!


Tea Leaf :)

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
 silvers from 
Player Play


Success! You have managed to pilfer 
 silvers from 
chum chum


Tea Leaf  :) :)

Success! You have managed to pilfer 148,002 silvers from 


Tea leaf :D :D

and for not being sore about it. :)
SLAPHAPPY has tried to steal from you!!!
Sneaky Fran would laugh at the attempt just made to steal from you. You turn the tables on the unsuspecting thief and acquire an aqua dei from their backpack!
971 experience points earned!
You need 14 495 915 more experience points for the next level!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 4 magic hulls from Sider!
2605 experience points earned!
You need 14 493 310 more experience points for the next level!
The balloon was seen towards northwest. selifs has held it for 58 steps
Success!You have managed to pilfer 124,059 silvers from Naruto!
1512 experience points earned!
You feel powerful!
You reach level 62!
Success!You have managed to pilfer 124,059 silvers from Naruto!
1512 experience points earned!
You feel powerful!
You reach level 62!
 Success! You have managed to pilfer 24,197 silvers
 from Matso!
 1208 experience points earned!
 You need 14 000 092 more experience points for the
 next level!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 35 diamond nails from WizardGregory!
4205 experience points earned!
You need 24 515 403 more experience points for the next level!
Yay finally a large steal again:p

The Youngest Robber In Town
Success! You have managed to pilfer 27 mobilo diavovinos from rathskellar!
1917 experience points earned!
You need 7 597 818 more experience points for the next level!

Face Off

Success! You have managed to pilfer a raw composium from Omni314!
8497 experience points earned!
You need 24 137 757 more experience points for the next level!

The Youngest Robber In Town
Success! You have managed to pilfer 18,166 silvers from Omni314!
9538 experience points earned!
You need 24 100 099 more experience points for the next level!
Ty again :p

The Youngest Robber In Town
  Success! You have managed to pilfer a trump-card......

Face Off
Success! You have managed to pilfer 52,885 silvers from SLAPHAPPY!

Face Off
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
170,699 silvers from Truman

-B  :D
Success! You have managed to pilfer 55,000 silvers from --!HATE!--!


~Tea leaf :)

Success! You have managed to pilfer an alien contraption from Verbose...

...naturally I am escaped immediately!!! ;)

Face Off 
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
 silvers from 
1701 experience points earned!


Tea leaf :)
Hope you enjoyed that voulentary donation Esme.
Didn't know Kahlan was you,Smurf. I went looking for the
large countersteals thread but couldn't find it...???
And I certainly did appreciate that generous voluntary donation.  I slowly strolled to the market counting my good fortune. 


~Tea leaf :p
Success! You have managed to pilfer 11,145 silvers from gronk!
2590 experience points earned!
You need 11 519 530 more experience points for the next level!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 5,461 silvers from gabadegoop!
2356 experience points earned!
You need 2 229 177 more experience points for the next level!

Face Off 
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
 silvers from ADHD III!
5238 experience points earned!
You need 45 153 773 more experience points for the next level!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
 silvers from 
1429 experience points earned!
You need 29 285 753 more experience points for the next level.

Such generosity!  When I can get back into chat we could discuss this...

~Tea leaf  ;)
Success! You have managed to pilfer 64,100 silvers from magic teddybear!
126 experience points earned!
You need 479 491 more experience points for the next level!

:D Ty, though I know as soon as I click you'll take it back :p

Success! You have managed to pilfer 12,843 silvers from ASPHODELLE!
5867 experience points earned!
You need 45 551 770 more experience points for the next level!

The Monkey In Me
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
 silvers from 
Fizzler ab Rok

:D Thanks Lusha!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
 silvers from 

~Tea leaf
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
 silvers from 

Tea leaf ;)

Do not remember the exact wordering but picked 190000 silvers off of Jalina.
Was nice enough not to bank em.
Sucess! You have managed to pilfer 
 silvers from 

Tea leaf :)
Success! You have managed to pilfer 74 oreputtys from BruceSki!

-B  :D
Success! You have managed to pilfer 111,124 silvers from SirGregory!

:D Thanks!

Sucess! you have managed to pilfer 
 silvers from 

~Tea leaf :)

Success! You have managed to pilfer 11,788 silvers
from WICK!
1043 experience points earned!
You need 2 866 049 more experience points for the
next level!                                 

I called that big cash!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
 silvers from Maniac Miner!

yummy!  (rolling around in the big pile)

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
20,055 silvers
 from rutherford!
5401 experience points earned!
You need 21 145 183 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
40,469 silvers
 from capmar!
13214 experience points earned!
You need 100 698 913 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
Not large, but funny.  Or funnyish, at least.

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
a silver from silverdale
2676 experience points earned!
You need 3 216 561 more experience points for the next level!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
38,913 silvers from Duggy
6686 experience points earned!
You need 3 157 132 more experience points for the next level!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
18,463 silvers
 from EasyDigger!
5960 experience points earned!
You need 77 530 943 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
40,999 silvers
 from 1free!
8924 experience points earned!
You need 9 439 886 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
The 200 years old vampire escaped from you towards west!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 38,488 silvers from Mephistopheles!
2266 experience points earned!
You need 4 136 355 more experience points for the next level!
The evil person cancrippler2 was seen towards east 10 seconds ago.
Mephistopheles is around here too.

just had to post it and will admit i lost it as soon as i got it along with a good bit of interist

affiliate is back on larki stealing and robbing 
 has tried to steal from you!!!
Sneaky Fran would laugh at the attempt just made to steal from you. You turn the tables on the unsuspecting thief and acquire 
2 portions of rations
 from their backpack!
2754 experience points earned!
You need 65 686 180 more experience points for the next level!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
1,072 silvers
 from Nhirvana!
22164 experience points earned!
You need 65 664 016 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
omgwtfeek! Tea Leaf just stole over 120K from my digger! waily waily wail... thar will be a reckoning, oh yes there will... umm.... someday ;-)

Jalan, You posted! Oh well, so much for my new 'low profile'. Of course I am grateful for Talan's contribution to the 
Tea leaf Fund
  but felt 120,000 silvers was a little, erm, over generous? And I certainly didn't wish to embarrass your hard working digger.
But Thank You very much and I hope to do business with you again, soon..before that someday..

~Tea leaf :p
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
35,658 silvers
 from talan!
7030 experience points earned!
You need 31 253 711 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
307,848 silvers
 from Barlow!
4561 experience points earned!
You need 114 981 429 more experience points for the next level

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
307,848 silvers
 from Barlow!
4561 experience points earned!
You need 114 981 429 more experience points for the next level

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
307,848 silvers
 from Barlow!
4561 experience points earned!
You need 114 981 429 more experience points for the next level

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
307,848 silvers
 from Barlow!
4561 experience points earned!
You need 114 981 429 more experience points for the next level

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
20,875 silvers
 from johnnyonthespot!
10093 experience points earned!
You need 72 209 298 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
17,738 silvers
 from EasyBalanc!
3631 experience points earned!
You need 65 837 085 more experience points for the next level!

some one stole about 60,000 silvers from me the other day, jokes on him though i was holding about 2.5 mil
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
34,573 silvers
 from Akarin!
7605 experience points earned!
You need 117 862 385 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
Nice catch Mafarrico!:D Keep up the good work!;)
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
18,747 silvers
 from .Mia Neptune.!
7739 experience points earned!
You need 108 504 150 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
 silvers from 


~Tea leaf :)

The purple knight of O'Bergine escaped from you towards south!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
12,447 silvers
 from whatsgoingon1992!
6985 experience points earned!
You need 98 408 408 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
28,655 silvers
 from cancrippler!
11861 experience points earned!
You need 61 077 053 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
12,940 silvers
 from cancrippler!
9735 experience points earned!
You need 58 956 318 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
The clonekiller escaped from you towards south!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
293,132 silvers
6028 experience points earned!
You need 153 911 929 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
The clonekiller escaped from you towards south!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
293,132 silvers
6028 experience points earned!
You need 153 911 929 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
Not that bigger steal but it's my biggest at the moment.

Success! You have managed to pilfer 7,014 silvers from 

1094 experience points earned!
You need 20 847 302 more experience points for the next level!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
175,175 silvers
 from !_M_E_A_N_I_E_!!
6990 experience points earned!

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer an 
elvensteel lightcudgel from Sider

Ouch! I had to make a few of those, myself. Can be rather pricey. Let me know and we will arrange it's safe return.


Success! You have managed to pilfer 
236,640 silvers
 from Bart!

be careful - carrying so many silver can cause lower back problems ;)

88 Mobilo Davinos
...wanted to run but took it like a man. After depositing the Davinos at my home ;]
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
42,819 silvers
 from dsafasfa!
44032 experience points earned!

LoL, my first-ever 5-digit steal as far as I can remember...:)
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
a silver
 from FlamingDragonBoy!

Every little helps - TESCO:D:D:D:D:D:D
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
71,354 silvers
 from Coming through!
9123 experience points earned!

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
124,323 silvers
 from 1fant!
14441 experience points earned!

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
124,323 silvers
 from 1fant!
14441 experience points earned!

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 31,989 silvers from Coming through!
967 experience points earned!
You need 11 980 258 more experience points for the next level!

Gingery :)
Success! You have managed to pilfer 25,860 silvers from Calhoun21!
1161 experience points earned!
You need 5 617 312 more experience points for the next level!

MoleKat ~
Success! You have managed to pilfer 41,101 silvers from voddigger!
3318 experience points earned!
You need 5 551 298 more experience points for the next level!

MoleKat :D
has tried to steal from you!!! You turn the tables on the unsuspecting thief and acquire an airspell from their backpack!
has tried to steal from you!!!
You turn the tables on the unsuspecting thief and acquire a pair of emerald boots from their backpack!
Success! You have managed to pilfer a dragontooth from Nhirvana!
Success! You have managed to pilfer an airspell from SkullboneKid!
has tried to steal from you!!!You turn the tables on the unsuspecting thief and acquire 27 recovery drinks from their backpack!
has tried to steal from you!!!
You turn the tables on the unsuspecting thief and acquire a mobilidoxin from their backpack!
Success! You have managed to pilfer an extra mana potion from MUDDYDEEMON!
has tried to steal from you!!!
You turn the tables on the unsuspecting thief and acquire a mana potion from their backpack!
Btw, all of those thieves in the square were very cool.  Nice thieving with you all!

Scouter has tried to steal from you!!!
Sneaky Fran would laugh at the attempt just made to steal from you. You 
turn the tables
 on the unsuspecting thief and acquire 
3,994 silvers
 from their backpack!
8055 experience points earned!
You need 102 319 391 more experience points for the next level!
You have managed to pilfer 33,537 silvers
 from voddigger!
35665 experience points earned!
--jason (simply digging)
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
31 diamond nails
5231 experience points earned!
You need 15 248 249 more experience points for the next level!

Success! You have managed to pilfer 
29 treasures
4860 experience points earned!
You need 15 200 363 more experience points for the next level!

with Wicked_1 and lots lf help from several in a stealing party. Thanks to all for the help.

Success! You have managed to pilfer 95,356 silvers from voddigger!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 78 silvers from falconious!
® TICO® has tried to steal from you!!!
Sneaky Fran would laugh at the attempt just made to steal from you. You turn the tables on the unsuspecting thief and acquire 105 goblin coins from their backpack!
Success! You have managed to pilfer a bird's feather from falconious!
Success! You have managed to pilfer a dragon horn from Cookie-Monster!
Success! You have managed to pilfer a mobilo diavovino from Jasper21!
Calhoun21 has tried to steal from you!!!
Sneaky Fran would laugh at the attempt just made to steal from you. You turn the tables on the unsuspecting thief and acquire a mana potion from their backpack!
Success! You have managed to pilfer a ruby wizardkiller from Calhoun21!
whatsupmydigger has tried to steal from you!!!
Sneaky Fran would laugh at the attempt just made to steal from you. You turn the tables on the unsuspecting thief and acquire a shovel from their backpack!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 2 airspells from Calhoun21!
Jasper21 has tried to steal from you!!!
Sneaky Fran would laugh at the attempt just made to steal from you. You turn the tables on the unsuspecting thief and acquire 22,468 silvers from their backpack!
Digora has tried to steal from you!!!
Sneaky Fran would laugh at the attempt just made to steal from you. You turn the tables on the unsuspecting thief and acquire 68,849 silvers from their backpack!
1960 experience points earned!
Calhoun22 has tried to steal from you!!!
Sneaky Fran would laugh at the attempt just made to steal from you. You turn the tables on the unsuspecting thief and acquire 173 silvers from their backpack!
Dovee has tried to steal from you!!!
Sneaky Fran would laugh at the attempt just made to steal from you. You turn the tables on the unsuspecting thief and acquire 11,142 silvers from their backpack!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 3 firespells from Calhoun21!
Dovee has tried to steal from you!!!
Sneaky Fran would laugh at the attempt just made to steal from you. You turn the tables on the unsuspecting thief and acquire a gold nugget from their backpack!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 15 aqua deis from Cookie-Monster!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 4,502 silvers from Dovee!
Success! You have managed to pilfer a silver horseshoe from voddigger!
Success! You have managed to pilfer a dragon heart from Cookie-Monster!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 27,478 silvers from voddigger!
Thiefmaster Sneaky Fran shows you some interesting tricks... You feel that you've developed your skill! You pay 4,020 silvers for the lessons.
Finally lvl 201 stealing for Wicked1

Success! You have managed to pilfer 149,229 silvers from voddigger!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
157,080 silvers
 from voddigger!
33585 experience points earned!
You need 194 510 018 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
39,745 silvers
 from voddigger!
33724 experience points earned!
You need 190 841 648 more experience points for the next level!

Mafarrico IV
TICO_III has tried to steal from you!!!
Sneaky Fran would laugh at the attempt just made to steal from you. You turn the tables on the unsuspecting thief and acquire a 
hydrasteel sword
 from their backpack!
166 experience points earned!
You need 264 697 more experience points for the next level!
soft hitter
Success! You have managed to pilfer a raw composium from CCTV Hoodie!
1907 experience points earned!
You need 4 748 561 more experience points for the next level!
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
19,849 silvers
 from Lazarus Long!
873 experience points earned!
You need 644 237 more experience points for the next level!
hold em up
Success! You have managed to pilfer 
 from Thorromage!
309 experience points earned!
You need 226 015 more experience points for the next level
hold em up
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