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To: Spongebob ( MOD)
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To: Spongebob ( MOD)
Posted in 
To: Spongebob ( MOD)
I am well aware of the "giving away points rule"
I u analyse my post, u will notice that its about when any subbed. opens a rated Op., if he gets out of it, at once you are deducted 2 points as penalty. Its not a matter of "sitting duck" banking technique, its making an op and getting out when any 1 gets in, check with any subscripted and verify this happens.
So actually, no one benefits from my points, besides having the opportunity of playing in a rated op. and without any privates, and allowing who ever they want to give pass 2 it.
Please advise and/or confirm if this is ok, in order to
stay within rules, please.  Tks
BARNEYFROG, you talk to much #&*$&$&&...please just listen to what you are being told before you start writing rubish...

☠∬☠  , try using ur own advice , READ CAREFULLY before showing you ignorance
barny there is one ligitiment way to reduce your points
go up againts some thats better then you and make fight
for ever point they get
i do this all the time thats why i never have any points
i'm not banking i just enjoy being the underdog and giveing it all i got when the odds are againts me
what your refering to is not giveing your points to another. it takes the points away to keep down op jumping. People comeing in and shoting but leaveing before someone can kill them. There are some that reset there points that way delebertly running there points down and that is against the rules. But makeing an op and leaveing can't be conscrewed as giveing away your points delebrately.
Tks. BIGDON45, thats exactly my point...oppening an op. and as soon any gets in, I run away from it..no shots fired..just getting out, 2 pts. are deducted, just as a  penalty 4 leaving.. THANKS
BIGDON 1958, sorry 4 the oops on name, not my intention of being rude, was a "typo".   TKS.
Hi, i´m leader of P.L. 
powerball, P.L. LUZBELL isn´t P.L. member.

