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To all our British players
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To all our British players
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To all our British players
To all our British friends especially those in and around London.
Our condolences on the tragedy that visited London.  Our prayers are with the families and friends suffering loss, with the injured and all those caring for them

I truly,don't think this is a time for that sort of remark.Well put LadyDie,May prayers be with those who have lost loved ones.
Iam sure all of us feel the same way.Brings back alot of memories of 9/11.BUT there is some fool on here that goes by the name of LONDON BOMBER. I thought it was very disrespectful and told him so,but i got a lot of lip in return.   THE WORLD IS WITH YOU ENGLAND.
the terrorist can go to h3ll.when they start bombing australia i will kill them myself.im just lucky my relatives in england are ok