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Dont Clan Members Talk to Each Other??
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Dont Clan Members Talk to Each Other??
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Dont Clan Members Talk to Each Other??
Yo am in [Nbk]. I got one Question thats been Bugging
 ... Don´t Clan Recruiters tslk to clan Members?? Or Members to Member´s?
yes they do, i c it all the time on tanx and in clan websites. some just dont feel like talking or maybe doesnt notice them at first...
Well....Sometimes they talk to members, I will say that most of leaders are so puff up with their tittle of "leader", that ignore the rest of the pack.
Remember, most are like politician, very persuasive and nice until they get your vote, after that...just another guy around.   Naturally there are exceptions, but are the less.   So get used to it, or consider changing lanes if u feel that is happening on ur pack.
A true leader pays attention to his people, no matter what, and then designates others to help the pack...this is a virtual situation and good leaders can take shape here, also bad ones will develop...Just have fun and if uncomfortable...just be a "lone wolf" like many others..dont let the "group pressure" crush u..