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No Rail
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No Rail
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watch your language   kids like yourself or even younger come onto this site and wouldnt want to see that in the forums ! and no rail makes the game better...and its a rule
Sorry :p I say the same thing as you usually so I'm being a hypocrite :|

No rail is a rule and ...it just gets annoying :|

i've seen worse language from the kids on this site than most adults so shut it Snooker ty :)

I think you'll find that the no rail rule is, and this may come as quite a shock, one of the rules.

Funny that.
I already know it's one of the rules, I just said it's an 

Funny that.
Oh right.  That makes perfect sense then.
i hate no rail...but u have to admit, for all those people who snooker every go, they wouldnt even need to use a cushion to do so...just tap a ball behind another, that would be even more annoying.
well i think i m 1 of the few ones that like that rule.
actually here in greece its even better in my opinion:
the white or another ball has to hit the cushion AFTER the white hits one of ur balls.not before,so those easy snookers made here are avoided
+ the break that doesnt open the balls(the one that annoys so many ppl on here,but not me again lol:p)is also avoided.

of course,u can always foul in the break
This is the proper real life rule

'If no object ball is pocketed, failure to drive the cue ball or any numbered ball to a rail after the cue ball contacts the object ball on is a foul'

And I would prefer this!
wats so bad about the word above
P.S im 11 and dont find swears offensive
dont really care just saying what he always says ;)
FOD tries to make  this game as real as possible.

1 NO RAIL. If no object ball is pocketed, failure to drive the cue ball or any numbered ball to a rail after the cue ball contacts the object ball on is a foul.

2.The breaker must strike the 1-ball first and either pocket a ball or drive at least four numbered balls to the rail.

3.PUSH OUT. The player who shoots the shot immediately after a legal break may play a push out in an attempt to move the cue ball into a better position for the option that follows. On a push out, the cue ball is not required to contact any object ball nor any rail, but all other foul rules still apply  <<<<   this is the only  time  no  rail isnt   used  .but  FOD  doesnt  use  this  rule .mayb they  could add this one to  there  game  . But  then  there would b ppl  who  would say its a stupid  rule. all  games  have  rules to  follow. if you dont  like  the  rule. lol  dont play  the game  lol
HELLO i dont think these are the official 8ball rules
I dont know why but i thought we were talkin about 9 ball.

anyway this is taken from the 'world pool rules' site which is the competition version of 8 ball.

On all shots, the player must:- 

Cause the Cue Ball's initial contact with a ball to be with a ball "On", 

Pot a ball "On" OR Cause the Cue Ball or any Object Ball to contact a cushion.

I have played 8 ball (badly lol) all around the world and different rules are played.

In bars with lots of different nationalities I have had to agree rules before every game with a new opponent, which is fun. 

SnookeR Player 

Posts: 62 

 Re: No Rail  Posted: Mar 26, 2005 9:42 PM  
watch your language kids like yourself or even younger come onto this site and wouldnt want to see that in the forums ! and no rail makes the game better...and its a rule?

cos he says súcks its a bad word?

what do u do when u use a straw to have a drink? erm u súck.

what do u do if u have a lollypop? erm u súck

what do u do if u have a gob stopper? erm u súck

so please dont talk silly súck is a normal word its used in everyday life..
if one of your kids or friends says i really wanna a lollypop u aint gonna disown them cos they gonna súck it are ya?  lmfao...

this site really needs to grow up bigtime

I agree with SEGA on the part that this site needs to grow up :)

Most people can't take a joke (*cough SEGA*) and take everything seriously and they get all offended by it :p

It's obvious Snooker Player was mocking LiveStrong ;)
