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Need New game
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Need New game
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Need New game
Hello Fly and Die
     When are you going to come out with another game???We need another good gem jam or boulder dash game. Anyone else agree?
I think they should go along with some of the ideas from other people in billiards like playing, cut throat, and killer.. and maybe doubles :p it would be fun

how about online poker for all ages!!!! NOT FOR MONEY OF CORSE :D
definately either cutthroat...or an editing of the pool games with 2v2 i know they have been suggested...but 2v2 would seem like a new game altogether
how about a trick shot game, would offer a bit of fun
They need a new pool game. It's called Rotation and get with of snooker.
They need a new pool game. It's called Rotation and get with of snooker

do you mean get rid of snooker? one of the most popular games on flyordie? great idea :p!
I have seen a great pool game played called sudden death 7 ball.  Its tricky, and does'nt allow for flukes.  This would be a great addition to those who have mastered or have grown tired of the other pool games offered.

Do you think Fly or die needs straight pool?
I would be quite happy keeping the usual games and continue to update and upgrade what are already, great games in their own right .

I think adding some sort of version of Scrabble would be fun.
The only game that I really like is Go Moku. I don't think they should need any more board games because that would waste of time.

This website just need another pool game called Rotation and yes keep snooker as well.
I think FOD should ditch the games with hardly no players in, then maybe use the money they save to make the popular games even better.
Yea man billiards is getting pretty boring and simple :( maybe if they created new types of billiards games would be alot better like 2v2 thats my main one :p
It would be good, could work like this..
Challenge a player like normal, then the game would initiate but it would wait forother players to join.
Fly Or Die should ditch some board games like Nine Men's Morris or Blitz Chess.
Hows about a white snooker table to mix things up a little :p
