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Bonfire night
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Bonfire night
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Bonfire night
On the 5th of november, 1605,a terrorist called Guy Fawkes,and some of his chums,tried to blow up the houses of Parliament.Ever since that day,the english have been lighting bonfires and more recently setting of fireworks,to celebrate.:O.

I think it should be banned.

fireworks are ilegal in many states. in others it's mostly country and not diturbing anyone. otherwise it for a celebration like 4th of July


If im not mistaken peter lives across the pond from these states you talk about.

I do agree though celebrating terrorist threats like that should not be right.

But here in America we celebrate the "Boston Tea Party" which is the aniversary of the day a few americans jump aboard a British boat and dumped all your precious tea overboard in protest of your taxes.
I don't think celbrating terorist is okay.
But i think they do it to remeber that day and the celebrate it beacuase it didnt happend....
I live in Holland so I don't know the History.
But 1 thing I know you don't agree on it... Go with some friends and other people and stand up for it...
I wish you the best of luck.
But befor taking action look more in to it like why are the celbrating it and if its history of a legend

Take care 
Yes the celebration is that Mr Fawkes did not get away with it. In regards to making huge bonfires; it symbolises the burning of Guy Fawkes. Hmmm nice.

Plus the people were a little crazy back in the day. :p
Whats the excuse for terrorising sick people in Hospital,Old people homes,Dogs,Cats and any animals,that happens to be near these loud bangs.

And there still doing it tonight.:O
I hope you get a perm bann for flooding.
Tell me what has ""nooo mod dont dellte my post" got to do with bonfire night? 

What does dellte mean,anyway.

And Thats the Bottom Line cos Ben said so!
You don't have to be so assertive.
There is a difference between celebrating and remembering. Fireworks are often symbols of celebration.

I doubt that fireworks will ever be used to remember September 11. We shouldn't celebrate in jubilee to honor the fallen.

FiReGiRL wrote:

There is a difference between celebrating and remembering. Fireworks are often symbols of celebration.

I doubt that fireworks will ever be used to remember September 11. We shouldn't celebrate in jubilee to honor the fallen.

That's because on Sept. 11, terrorists suceeded. On Nov. 5, they didn't and 
 is what we celebrate for.

If you read my post very carefully I never condemned the use of bonfires and fireworks by peeps to commemorate that day of November 5. I was merely explaining the difference between a celebration and remembrance. I was basically stating an observation in which fireworks are usually done out of celebration. 

Now, what people celebrate for on November 5 is up for debate and remember that people have the right to expression. The only thing I'm saying is that peeps shouldn't use fireworks to celebrate the murders of victims. Do I know that Guy Fawke's intentions was for the greater good of his country? I don't know, but IF peeps were using fireworks to celebrate his actions, then perhaps your government isn't very trustworthy in the eyes of your country. (Notice I used "IF" since it is a common fact that the public has been debating for years about what exactly is being celebrated on Nov. 5)

When I mentioned 911, it was to illustrate the fact that nobody uses fireworks to remember that event. Since it isn't so in the case of November 5 when Guy Fawkes attacked, then perhaps it might be intended as a celebration. And that mister, is the right of the public to utilize freedom of expression. We see peeps burn American flags all over the world all the time. It is their right to do so becoz they have the right to express distrust towards the U.S government. 

But the point I made earlier was that if peeps were to use fireworks to celebrate the death of victims,then of course it would be a total misrepresentation. I'd say light candles rather than use fireworks to remember fallen comrades. 

Hey Jamez, I believe there is something known as "plagiarizing" (do you know what it is?)
Hey Jamez, how do you make a picture by your name?