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Non-Subs and Army Ops
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Non-Subs and Army Ops
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Non-Subs and Army Ops
What's this? Non-subscribers get to go into mars, the desert, and snow? Why? 

Here is the package for $20
1. Ally buttons and mute buttons (WHICH ARE NOT PERM.!!)
2. A download version (which is not much different than web browser)
3. Make links

There was a problem with 3, however. I posted a site and the mods started jumping me asking me what it was. I felt like I was about to be banned. I told them it was a clan site, and they were cool with it. The mods over-reacted about it.
Confed you are overlooking the important thing your $20 dollars also makes the things you type show up brighter than non subs.
So that means that we pay so that our text appears brighter, make links, temporary ally buttons. Well this site is just going down, day by day, use to be cool but not anymore. First they gave the nonsubs the rating and now they give them access to any operation. We are paying for nothing.
Oh my god , this is spectacular news , im off to tanx right away ! :)
TANK_MASTER, quit using the Lord's name in vain.
Not only can non-subs get in, but privates to!
Here are the demands out of all players:

Subscribers - Demand their money's worth
Non-Subscribers - Demand new maps

To solve this, give the non-subs the desert, snow, and mars. Then make 2 - 4 maps for the subscribers.
They can, as long as SUBS LET THEM IN.
Subs can set the options.
Your freedom has just been increased.
I agree make some new maps for the subs then everyone will be happy.
Frankly, how many non-classic battles have you seen before?
>>> Maybe it is a tease for new ops [img=
] Get them hooked, then go for the subcription. Myself I don't care. I enjoy the game and the money is no big deal. If F.O.D. gives up too much to nonsubs then it would hurt their buisness. They have to come up with new ways to market their product. Give it time and see what develops. Untill then blast the newbes to Kingdom come.

First of all , lmao confederate ....
I agree with bluze , this could possibly be a tease for all the non-subs to actually get subbed ...maybe this dilema will only last 2 weeks or so..
And you never know , maybe FlyOrDie have something up their sleeve for all the subbed tanx players ;)
lol andddlay was sooooo pissed when he found out about that but now he seems to like it lmao;):p
i think its kool lol...yeah prives are in, do i want em in the mars and desert and snow...not really, but what ya gonna do