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My Friend
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My Friend
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My Friend
                 My Friend

Allthough you have been gone for 2 years 
Each time I think of you my eyes still fill with tears
Tears of happiness and tears of sadness 
Happiness for all the good times we shared 
and the countless memories that i now hold dear
Sadness for the ache in my heart since you left 
and this pain that i know will never go away
Theres still so much hate and anger inside of me 
For the person that killed you and is still running free
You were to great of a guy 
a wonderful friend for god to let die
I prayed for so long that this was all a bad dream
and as soon as id awake it would all go away
2 years later I now realize that its reality and its here to stay.
My deepest sympathies go out to your family, 
As well as my gratitude for creating and raising such a 
wonderful person that i got a chance to call one
of my dearest friends. 
This Person I have dedicated this too Is you Tom Bacon
Not just a friend of mine but of many,
and as long as a tear is shed or a smile be broken 
His memories will be kept alive and his spirit will always carry on. 

       R.I.P   8-12-80 to 1-24-02 
Sorry most of you are probably wondering who the heck is Tom Bacon, Just so you know he was a best friend of mine. Who 2 years ago got shot in the head 3 times, because he was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. With a female whom couldn't stop causing conflicts which resulted in him getting killed. His killer(s) are still free to this day. And I seriously beleive they will be for a long time to come. 
i am sorry to hear that and i too know how you feel cause my best friend was also in the wrong place at the wrong time and was killed by two cowards that are nowhere to be found. very nice poem.
i'd make the cray face but i dont know how to lol
: _|
I'm very sorry to hear about your friend, its a very nice poem... 

Well thank you all for your responces to this poem i wrote for a dear friend of mine. I would hope that nobody has to go through the pain of losing someone so dear to them for something that wasn't even there fault. 
thats sad.....he was only 22 :| i hope they find the killers and although i never met the guy he sounded nice.
He was my bestest guy friend. Loved by so many, and just gettin into college while working full time. He loved his 1964.5 Ford Mustang Coupe. There isn't a day that goes by that I do not think of him and wish he was still here with me and as well as for his younger brother who is my age. They were two brothers whom i saw have the best sibling relationship ever. I know he misses it very much so even though im a female i try to be there for him as much as possible.
I feel sympathy for you. In your poem I feel your love, dedication and so much anger. 
God has His reasons and it's not up to us to know why. We are to accept his choices. 
When my baby niece passed, she was barely 8 years old. An innocent child. Yet He chose to call her home. 
It doesnt matter the age, the way, or who they are, when He needs them, He takes them home. 
I'm grateful, for I saw another side of things. Instead of anger, I saw she was at home with our Father. What better place to be? 
I still miss her, but I smile, for I know she is in Heaven.
The guys that are free after what they did to your friend, will never be free. You may not see them suffer, but believe me, our Father will judge them severly.
They will never be free from guilt!
God Bless You and I wish the best for you. I'm sure your friend would of wanted it too. He knew the real you!