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Prog Cheat
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Prog Cheat
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Prog Cheat
Xxxxxx is another prog cheat. Moderators please check on him
Edited by John Stewart
Hello DontKnowChess,

The forum is not the right place to accuse/report someone.     
To report a player, please navigate to the player's profile and click the 3 lines on the top right.  

Using a computer to decide your moves in a board game on FlyOrDie is allowed.

But FlyOrDie members have the right to know if they are playing against a computer. 
Therefore FlyOrDie uses a system - including analysis of client computing 
environment - to detect suspected program use, which will be indicated on the
concerned player's info screen with a small icon. 

Kind regards,

FlyOrDie's Rules of Use:   
ok didnt know where to report. It shud ve been posted clearly where to post. The link doesnt help either even though Im a paid subscriber. Be interesting to know where exactly to report cheats
To report a player, please navigate to the player's profile 
and click the 3 lines on the top right.  

Here a short clip by moderator Player_No1. on how to use the report function.

If you have a screenshot, you may send it in here.

will do for the future. For now, I cant see the player's name (it appears as xxxx in the post) can this player be investigated so others dont fall foul of this prog cheat?