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in game adds
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in game adds
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in game adds
There was a post about in game adds and I said no i do not want adds during the game that is why I pay.2 times i have done this and both times john Stewart has deleted them, I would like to know why, there is not a thing wrong with expressing an opinion.
Hi hughjr,
I didn't delete them. But I saw and read them back in October 2023. 
They were deleted by the Moderators - most probably because you came across as quite aggressive.

Best regards,
Edited by John Stewart
Yes, sir I meant to be a little aggressive, I do not want adds during games. That is the #1 reason i pay. Either way there was nothing bad or harmful about it.I did not know they got their feelings bruised so easily, I try and be gentler. Thank you very much for the info.