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Xxxxx is AI User, Don't play with him!
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Xxxxx is AI User, Don't play with him!
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Xxxxx is AI User, Don't play with him!
Greetings, everyone, Go lovers! I love to play Go with good and honest players. However, recently, I discovered that all of the (Xxxxx) games I've been involved in have included some AI suggestions. I analyzed it after every game, and it's clear that he definitely used some sort of AI suggestion to win his games. I understand that this is allowed on Flyordie, but he doesn't have an exclamation mark like me (which I declared myself, as I used AI to analyze after the game ended). Can we make the Go community a better place again? Thanks!
Edited by John Stewart
Good afternoon Thumb_Du_Segala,
If you want to make and send to the moderation team a report of abuse by "cheating", you should use the proper and indicated means that in your case can only be done through:
 avoiding this way to use the forum for that purpose.

Hello if you Are going to do a report please report at here 
Edited by 〖ƝƁƘ〗✧𝒯𝑅𝐸𝒳✧