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Snooker won’t load on iPad
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Snooker won’t load on iPad
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Snooker won’t load on iPad
Not been able to play for days. Always play on iPad but as soon as I log in I just end up with a blank page? Can’t even play in practice mode? Any ideas what migh be wrong? Cleared cache, reset connection, but nothing changes. Be grateful for any help!
Hello ceejaydubya

Sorry to hear.

You may try the following:

Clear your browser's cache. If you're not sure how to do this, you can Google it. Instructions are available for every browser.

Try logging in with a different browser, such as Google Chrome, Firefox, etc. 

If none of this helped, please read the FAQs  


before you contact the technical support   

Kind regards, 
It just popped into my head that somebody had a similar problem about a month ago. 

This issue could also be related to your browser's security settings, which may be too restrictive.

-  Please make sure that your browser does not force the game to load via https://.   
   The game can only be loaded via http://.

Fingers crossed!
John :)
Many thanks John, it appears that maybe the issue. How to resolve it…not sure!
You could change the security settings of your browser and "allow insecure websites".  

Not that FlyOrDie is insecure. But the games don't load over SSL (https)

keeping my fingers crossed :)
Still no joy with this I’m afraid John, tried other browsers, chrome, Firefox, even Microsoft Edge. Same result. Looking like no more snooker :-( have tried on an older iPad and connects fine through https ? Completely baffled…
Hello ceejaydubyah,

Thank you for getting back to us!
I'm afraid I cannot help you any further. (I would reset my pad now )

Please contact the tech support :  

Kind regards, 
Hi John, sadly no further on with this. I’ve contacted support but they’re only suggesting stuff I’ve already tried. Don’t suppose there’s any more examples of this that people have resolved? I’ve also tried on chrome and Firefox, same issue, can’t play signed in, practice or guest 🤷🏼‍♂️
Well ceejaydubya, 

As tech support has not been able to help you either, the only thing I can recommend is to reset your iPad and make a clean installation. (Meaning: don't transfer settings/apps/data from another iPad or iPhone). That's a lot of work to do, I know. 
But it will resolve the problem 99.9 percent.

Kind regards,
Edited by Jᴏʜɴ Sᴛᴇᴡᴀʀᴛ