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2fast_2furious has changed the password.
So are u admmiting u tried to hack his account ??
hello it's me RFC_1871 and my name has been missing for 3 days...i have talked to street racer and it's obviosly him who stole it...i have talked to daniel and he isnt helping sum1 help me :( 
street_racer206@hotmail.com...is 2fast it is him who stole it hes is trying to hide it....what shall i do?
u can eat a banana if u wish :D
Can someone help me?..
4 days still havent got it back...this isnt fair..
no 2fast hasnt changed ur pw and maybe if u wernt so poor u wud be able to afford a new 1, it was gary but 2fast wishes he had of ahh ul pikey tel ur parents to get a job :p

If I see this right, Widownmaker orsomething is ur nick,
but someone stoled it ?

And Freakzilla u think it was Gary ?

Is this correct ?
ok a bit harsh but U TOLD GARY the password and he has stole about 6 names so i dont see why he wundt steel urs, so i supose its gary hu is the pikey 1 :p:s
yes it was gary he has stole loads of names, eg hellraiser joint_master mightyjoe tried to steel mine. Hes just a a hacker and ruins the fun game for everyone else :)
ok,can someone help me get it back please ty?:(
shut up i aint poor...that name had 11 months more subscription on it ...
2fast stole it not gary..he's trying his best to help me..as soon as gary said it was 2 fast ..2fast went offline....GUILTY OR WHAT!...moderators dont even care there not even helping :@
cas i had to go ofline u  *!** hahah this is funny im glad someone has stole ur name :p
u all think it was 2fast?? no it wsnt it was gary u idiots 2fast wuldnt steal ppls name he can buy his own 
i think it was gary because he said he would get me points but then he stole my sub name, luckily it only had 1 week left on it :p
ok first of all gary or anyone for that matter cannot hack passwords here.  If u tell them your password its not hacking.  Dont u think if they could hack passwords theyd have alot more than 34 or 5 in a year or so.......... Comon people use your heads, if ur dumb enough to give somone your password to your account the u deserve to lose that name
I'm sure it was Gary because he hacked my other name and I neva got it back, then he hacked this one... Wait, his "brother" hacked this one by "accident" but i got this one back.