What exactly are the dice for? The inspired Rookie should not be given to a person that has played everyday for the past 2 years.... Can somebody look into this for me?
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Don’t let it bother you. The only real advantage is that when you gain 3 dots you can then set ends, the rest is irrelevant.
Set ends means that you can set the number of ends for a match, meaning that if you get runners then they lose out & not you. I’ve no idea why they reset you & no point asking them as they won’t reply. I have 9 dots, classed as FOD God but it’s totally irrelevant. The main number as I said is 3, achieves nothing after the 3.
>I noticed my dice number was 6 around Christmas time 2017. Do you know why the system started me over again? Seems like a malfunction to me. >> Well, it is not a malfunction, your dots went down to 1 due to your previous punishment.
Thank you Goddess, I cant say I agree with the punishment, I'm curious thought do you know what else they did to my account? I was banned me for a week, took away my points in only 301, dropped me from 6 to 0 on experience at site, I was never given my last win in darts tournament or given vip....(This explains why I have to wait 30 full seconds to watch the ads???am I right?.PRETTY EXCESSIVE considering I was only standing up to a bully named JELLE after he kept badgering a fellow player before a tournament....I think my situation should be looked into. I clearly did not do anything to warrant such punishment.
Thank you for the reply Goddess & I’m happy to be proved wrong on this occasion. Mods never usually reply in this forum so thanks again. I have 9 dots so I must be behaving myself, Jock must be a good influence on me :)
Hey Wullie, congrats on your 9 dots, it's actually laborious to get.
Hi R&R, I don't want to get into more details about your punishment here in the forum. However, you can email me anytime at moderator@flyordie.com and I would be happy to answer you queries regarding your punishment.
Thank you.