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*ll be right back
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*ll be right back
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*ll be right back
How do you guys feel about this. Since the option, I find about 30% of those actually on the site, now have this banner up, plus a few no entrys
My own feeling os that if they are not ready to play - get out and make room for those who are ready. Flyordie are turning away enthusiastic and loyal customers, with that option.
I think if a player is not active for 5 minuits they should be booted from the room. 
Only non subscribers should get booted:p because that button is one thing subscribers pay for:)
потому что наверное игрок выключил свой компьютер
"Only non subscribers should get booted because that button is one thing subscribers pay for"

Not a good answer. If your feelings are represented by the remainder, then perhaps it would be better if Flyordie restricted the game to paid members only? 
Those using the token, are blocking paid, as well as unpaid members.
Actually be fair 3 frames required everyone,