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Scoring System
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Scoring System
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Scoring System
This new scoring system is just AWFUL !! I just played a 4-end game versus an opponent with a rating 60 points lower than me. I won 7-0 & gained 11 ratings points. Then I played a 4-end game versus an opponent with a rating 60 points higher than me. I lost 5-2 & lost 11 ratings points. Win by 7 & gain 11. Lose by 3 & lose 11. Doesn't ANYONE out there see the inconsistency? 
Everyone was complaining until now, that the score of match should not count, only the winner.

Hopefully someday someone will make up a rating system that will be accepted by ALL. (impossible)

(btw. it is great to see you not loosing any points when winning)
Winston, this is how real life curling works. winner takes it all. a win is a win. a lose is a lose. No matter how big or small the winning margin is.
No...not EVERYONE !! About 10 people (mostly those with ratings above 350). The other hundreds & hundreds of players liked it just the way it was. Now, of course, you've CRUMPLED to the wishes of those 2% of the elite players & EVERYONE ELSE HATES IT !! It now only benefits those "Upper-Elite" players & has robbed everyone else of the enjoyment that they used to have.
A select few were saying that this game should be like real curling, in terms of scoring. Don't you get it ? This is NOT real curling & the pleasure of playing this online game was the rating points (as it used to be). 90 % of those who play here do so for the "rush" & "excitement" of moving up & down in terms of rating points. Regardless of a 2-1, or 9-1 win, it was ALWAYS about the ratings points, for 90 % of the players. For 'TALENT' & his elite crew, put them in a special room & let them play however they want to. For the hundreds & hundreds of the rest of us...GIVE US OUR OLD GAME BACK, PLEASE !!
M.C. - You don't 'GET IT' either. This is not REAL CURLING & no one should pretend that it is. I've curled, for real, for 30 years. I totally understand how scoring works. But this is an online game - not played on real ice...9 out of 10 people, who play here, couldn't care less about the score...it's ALL about the ratings points. Geez...shake your head!!
Let's just don't talk about the rating.
This change is not about rating in my opinion.
Now players can choose to play more defensively without hammer and capitalize things only when having hammer they can try to blank the end to keep hammer in the last. The varieties of tactics are brought by this change. The guard placement, the timing to go for the right shot have changed because of this which makes the game better and more exciting
Marc...Those are good points that you make, and from that standpoint, I agree. But in terms of the scoring system & the distribution of ratings points this in HORRENDOUS !! Having a chance to test new strategy is difficult.Just finding an opponent now, someone who actually wants to play, is tougher than it's ever been. People are now 'pickier' than ever about their opponent. As you'll note in an earlier post, you no longer can play someone too far above or below you, in terms of rating, or you'll take a beating in the ratings. Understand, I can't stress this enough, 90 % of the people who play here are here for the "Roller Coaster" ratings points, not to keep track of scores or test new strategies.
How many more new posts of this topic are you going to make Winston?

Jeez and I get called the crazy one.

Isn't it a good thing you can't play to far below your rating? Now those 500s won't be playing zeros according to you.

And why didn't you go all crazy like this before the change??? There's many a posts about this.
winston "No...not EVERYONE !! About 10 people (mostly those with ratings above 350). The other hundreds & hundreds of players liked it just the way it was. Now, of course, you've CRUMPLED to the wishes of those 2% of the elite players & EVERYONE ELSE HATES IT !! It now only benefits those "Upper-Elite" players & has robbed everyone else of the enjoyment that they used to have."

So when the Operator says "everyone" you say he's talking about 2%. When you say "everyone" you are talking about 0%. Where are all of these people who you say "hate" the new rating system? Can you post some names or some posts or some threads? I can't think of any names but yours.
Ok - I'll add my two cents worth too.

I think the amount rating points awarded should have nothing to do with the existing ratings of the players or the score. Keep it simple - something like +5 for a win, -5 for a loss, 0 for a tie. To prevent trolling the bottom (or top) for points no points should be awarded if the ratings of the players differ by a set amount (say ~50).

As well, and I'm not trying to derail the thread, but my biggest concern is the one end bandits leaving after being strategically forced to take a single point in the first end. Even though they agree (by text) to play two ends or more they see an opportunity to walk off with a few points and quit after one end. That's not right. 

So, in addition to the above scoring system, I think no points should be awarded to games lasting less than 2 ends. Better yet I would propose to make the minimum number of ends 2 and increment the amount of ends played by 2 if mutually agreed upon to ensure fairness. 

Incidentally, if there is a record of all wins/losses/ties and the ratings while being played a new rating could be retroactively implemented using the above formula so those who have worked for their ratings would continue to be highly ranked. 

WALLISBURGH...I could hardly wait for your response. You, and the Rake, bring more insight into these issues than anyone else on the planet !! Zzzzzzzzzzz...I play a lot, and each time that I play, I try to converse with my opponent. Over the past 10 days I've asked each opponent as to their thoughts on this new scoring system. Do I have all their names? No. I can't remember each & every name of every opponent that I play against. But, of the 50, 60 or 70 that I've quizzed, 2 or 3 seemed to be in favor of the new scoring system. ALL the others, who responded, or spoke English (my best estimate would be 45 - 50 players) were not in favor of it at all. As I've stated earlier, it's geared ONLY for the very elite players. If you notice, the top 10 - 15 ranked players all have increased their ratings points considerably since the new scoring system came into effect. A one-time 450 player is now well over 500, and so forth. Meanwhile, for the hundreds of others, it has either stalled or inhibited their efforts to climb up the ratings ladder. Now, go back to 'tending to your flock of sheep' and stay as far away as possible from this forum.
lol winston, there's no need tocry.

I too have been asking opponents about the update and ratings changes, most say they don't know how it works. A few say yay and few say nay.

So how can nearly 100% of the people I talk to and nearly 100% of the people you talk to have a totally different answer?

I vote for YOU to take some time off from the forums. You only complain and only bash people for speaking their minds, unless you agree with them, then you give them your blessing, as if that means anything.

The update was great, the scoring system may need to be tweaked but I think it's ok. No big deal either way.

muito bom se fosse 5 em 5.empate 0.

Quite a few of us have been lobbying to replace 
one end curling

Possible fixes:

1) Give EVERYONE the ability to set ends.

2) Make the default game a 
skins game

3) Make the default game 
2 ends curling

Options 2 and 3 are already the norm for tournaments.

All this being said, it only takes a month (or so) for a new player to gain the ability to set ends.
So bite the (runner) bullet for a while and don't worry.  Things do get better. :)