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Curling translation needed
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Curling translation needed
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Curling translation needed
Due to an upcoming update of the game, we would need a couple of phrases translated into some languages.

The phrases are:

Next end
Next end will start automatically
Your opponent is ready to start now.
I am ready

We would need these in the following languages:
German, French, Spanish, Russian, Finnish, Dutch, Danish, Polish, Swedish, Portuguese, Croatian.

If you speak any of these languages, please post the translation of the above 4 phrases here.

Thank you.


In Portuguese:

Next end = Proximo fim

Next end will start automatically = Final seguida inicia-se automaticamente

Your opponent is ready to start now = Seu oponente está pronto para começar agora

I am ready = Estou pronto

In French

Next end = Suivant fin

Next end will start automatically = Suivant Fin démarrera automatiquement

Your opponent is ready to start now = Votre adversaire est prêt à commencer dès maintenant

I am ready = Je suis prêt

Hope these help.

Thanks for your efforts  ۩ Lзωιs ۩, but these sound like translated by some online translators, who have no idea what is an "end" in curling.

Polish translate:)

Next end-------Nastepny end

Next end will start automatically------Nastepny end rozpocznie sie automatycznie

Your opponent is ready to start now.-----Twoj przeciwnik jest gotowy do gry

I am ready-------Jestem gotowy

Your best polish speaker etc Tranlate all rules into polish:)
In German

Nächstes End
Das nächste End startet automatisch
Dein Gegner ist jetzt startbereit
Ich bin bereit
Manche suivante.

La prochaine manche démarrera automatiquement. (or La manche suivante commencera automatiquement.)

Votre adversaire est prêt à commencer. (or Votre adversaire est prêt à jouer(=play, sounds better to me than commencer=begin)

Je suis prêt.

I'm french by the way.

sounds as a good translation to me finally repairing a problem
>Thanks for your efforts ۩ Lзωιs ۩, but these sound like translated by some online translators, who have no idea what is an "end" in curling.

Glad I could help.
Hi, i know you got a french translation actually 2 but got to any curling club in quebec and ppl wont understand a thing.

An end in french is call ''un bout'' so next end would be Prochain Bout.

Next end will start automatically: Le prochain Bout débutera automatiquement

Your opponent is ready to start now: Votre adversaire est pret a débuter maintenant.

I am ready: Je suis pret
Hi! I am a swedish curler and can translate the phrases to swedish.

Next end = Nästa omgång
Next end will start automatically = Nästa omgång kommer startas automatiskt
Your opponent is ready to start now = Din motståndare är redo att starta nu
I am Ready = Jag är redo
In portuguese:

Next end --- Próximo jogo
Next end will start automatically --- O próximo jogo vai começar automaticamente
Your opponent is ready to start now. --- O teu oponente está pronto
I am ready --- Eu estou pronto

The term end can also be used.
Hope it helps.
here are the russian translations, i'm a native speaker.
next end - следующий период
next end will start automatically - следующий период начнётся автоматически
your opponent is ready to start now - ваш соперник готов начать следующий период
i am ready - я готов 
any plan in embedding curling in facebook?
>any plan in embedding curling in facebook?

Stay on topic.

it seems that French speaking curling players use at least 3 different phrases for the same thing: "bout" "manche" and "end"
Thank you all for your contributions.

I can give you the Norwegian ones, if needed. Personally I'm quite happy with the english version.
- Neste omgang
- Neste omgang starter automatisk
- Motstander er klar til å starte
- Jeg er klar
hi can you explain me this situation.For example:I play 1 end have 6 stones winner in home and last my last stone...so probably results could be 7-0..but no..opponent leave game when wee big lost and system give me only 4-0!can you tell me why because I have 6 best stones...opponent not have more stones...
in     Italian

            Prossima Partita
            Prossima Partita inizio automaticamente
            Il tuo avversario e pronto ad incominciare
            Sono pronto

Next end = Следећи енд
Next end will start automatically = Следећи енд ће почети аутоматски

Your opponent is ready to start now. = Ваш противник је спреман да почне

I am ready = Спреман сам