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im the new screen shot photographer...:D
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im the new screen shot photographer...:D
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im the new screen shot photographer...:D
how do i insert ss?..;\
how do u insert? ROFLMAO.....

Here's how to take a screenshot.

First, open up Paint (or Paintbrush for older systems), or other photo editing program.  Next, begin the Tanx game.  At any time during the game, press the Print Screen (or Prt Scr) button on the top right of your keyboard.  A still image will be made of what is visible on your monitor and will be placed on the clipboard.

Now, minimize the Tanx program so that you are back at the photo editing software.  Press Ctrl-V or Edit>Paste to paste the image to the software.  You can now edit the screenshot to exclude the background programs/desktop as well as crop out any other part of the screenshot you wish to make the best picture.

If you have an online server that you can upload your screenshots, then you can also show them to other people online.
It is impossible to load a screenshot into the forum without having a server to upload to.  This generally requires money, and it is illegal to hotlink pictures anyway unless the server explicitly says that the pictures that are uploaded can be viewed on another site.  Otherwise, posting pictures is considered an illegal action known as bandwith stealing.

Be sure that the server you choose supports .JPG, .GIF, or any other picture format and allows hotlinking.  Sites which allow hotlinking but offer only free services are generally done on a trial basis only.
ok so what if we dont know how to do none of that junk..theres no piont to do that if it is illegal and is gonna cost us money.
Well, in most cases it is illegal, and in most cases you have to pay.  Many sites, like geocities, will block pictures that have been hotlinked by replacing it with an X.  Other sites which do not allow hotlinking but don't have the script to block hotlinked images will mean that you are wasting the servers money.  There are some sites where this is ok, and it is extremely important to pay attention to that.

And, there is no other way to view the pictures online, unless you send the screenshot to a friend and have him upload the pictures for you.
I'm not an idiot, 
So chill out lil fella...

This was me, wondering how to take SS as a kid. Haha.
