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FlyOrDie, what the ...?
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FlyOrDie, what the ...?
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FlyOrDie, what the ...?
so, i was playing, end of the match, i had 2 pieces, he had 1.

he was forced to lose his only piece after his next move. But what happened was that after he made his last move, it said "Match ended in a draw"

What the ........?? just unbelievable. Please FlyOrDie, either remove this 40-move draw rule or make it the way that the game would understand when to call it a draw, not just after 40 moves

also, as ive understood the rules, 40 moves is counted after the last overtake of pieces, but in that game, we both had 3 pieces for quite a long time, but then i managed him to lose 2 while i lost 1, the only way it could had happened is by overtaking pieces, but after the overtake when i had 2 and he had 1, it took me only like 4-5 or so moves, + 4 his = 8 moves.

8 IS nowhere near 40, so yah.

im giving the link of the picture as well. you can see there that hes done his last move, his only option was to move the way i cud take his last piece, i shud of won, but for some curious reason i didnt

