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Losing points
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Four in a Row
Losing points
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Four in a Row
Losing points
Please tell someone is this normal from 619 to 615 i lost 4 points now PLEASE TELL ME is THIS !!! NORMAL ?????:@,everyday im losing 4 or 3 points when im high,flyordie stop this,OH i know wat are you doing that becouse of crowns......end heres 1 more from 710 to 705,5 POINTS !

<<< Yes it is normal to lose "x" amount of points per day >>>
its normal and chill out man its just points :| 
calm down reiki  :s yah its normall its not a certain amount its a certain percentage of your points. i dont know what the percentage is but its mainly like

250 lower is - 1 
250-300 -2 
300-450 -3
450-680 -4
700-800 - 6
my numbers arnt really that right its more of an exsample.

it goess up from there  
Gosh, Chill Reiki :p 

It happens to everyone, every day Flyordie takes a certain amount of points from you, the higher you are the more you lose.

This happens because a few year ago you would get players who would get crown and just sit there on it for days.

The system works well as it prevents that from happening ;)
Reiki, get over it. 
I find it a silly situation as well, but there is nothing you can do about it anyway. I'm sure FoD has its reason to do this.
I dont know wat to think enymore,other gm dont lose 4 or 5.....end today i lost also 4 points!
yes, what are we going to do about this.. Ill send a mail to CNN asap so we could raise focus to this problem.. Praying to God may also help. lolzzzzz
lol relf :p

Where do you play nowadays relfson?
i usually get points like about 10 points like every day or so=).

relfson you watching to much cartoons.....;)