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Celestial Knight Returns??
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Four in a Row
Celestial Knight Returns??
Posted in 
Four in a Row
Celestial Knight Returns??
For those who dont know me,I used to play this game alot until I ranked highest ten times and then I quit.Some of my friends have been urging me to return so I might consider playing on a regular basis again.No guaruantees though but anyway I hope I can regain more than my previous accomplishments and to anyone that wants a good game,im ready for it so go at it with every wit and wisdom you got.
you **** though and didint have any accoplishments.
and i can tell your lieing because you dont have any freinds :p
whoever you are fire, he's probably better than you by a lot :p
wanna bet ;) we all know you like betting frank so ill bet on a game with cele :)
This guy just sounds full of himself.