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Grats on reaching lvl 100 ade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Grats on reaching lvl 100 ade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Grats on reaching lvl 100 ade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Grats on reaching lvl 100 ade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
a big big toast for you and 80 ! :)
i hope tho this wont mean you are leaving the game
you are not right?
cheers and keep up the good work! :D

(halfway there LOL )
I was wondering how long it would take until someone made a post like this.  (So why didn't I do it myself?!)

Congratulations, ade!  I feel a bit like I just lost a race, although it's hardly a surprise!

If you're still around (your account introduction doesn't make it clear if YOU are done with the game, or just 80), I'm wondering about a bunch of things:

1) Can you still kill monsters on TA and Larkinor?
2) Do monsters on both islands drop the stuff they used to?
3) Are XP gains still 100%?
4) After killing a monster, the last line of the text usually is "You need XXXXXXXXXXXX more experience points for the next level!"... what does it say for you now?
5) Can you steal and/or rob?
6) Can you build level 100 equipment?
7) Is there anything in the level 100 supply tent?  If so, what is there?

There's a start, anyhow!  I'll be able to answer all those questions myself in a few weeks, but it would be nice to get a sneak preview!

Thx Jess and Sandy!

I feel a bit in limbo and my bio was intentionally vague lol.   When you hit lvl 100 its says something like "youv'e learned all there is to learn".  So I figured there was no more xp to be had...but in the few kills i've done since I hit lvl 100 it appears you do get more xp - right now it says 8.5 billion to next lvl. I will post tent items later, nothing new except maybe phantomlight lantern which i dont remember if it was available at 99.  As far as future plans, I dont know. Seems kind of silly to keep killing same exact monsters with same weapons and needing ever more xp....maybe I will play till I finish lvl 100?
Your +XP was just set to 0... I presume that means a fix has been put in place.  No more XP for you!  So now I'm curious about those questions again.  Can you still click/play/do anything?  I really want to know before I unwittingly climb into the same boat.

I would hope that the game folks give us the ability to still level up even if there an no more monsters or upgrades available I cannot imagine it is that difficult to let us continue making the chars better over the long run.  So they get start one hitting everything over time.  That might be kind of fun.
Yes I can fully play, buy, sell etc....but no xp gained and no more msg re "you neeed __ xp to get to next level"....so really no point anymore :-(
As I feared, FOD is willing to sacrifice the 'vets' to focus on new subs.

Oh, and by the way, congrats Ade, I guess.

Rather bittersweet knowing this major milestone is right around the corner. It should be something to brag about rather than dread :(

Since FoD will not be adding levels over 100.

And, since we are guessing that the 'other goals' are the top lists, would it be too much trouble to get more badges?

Congrats Lucy!  -***-, the second character to get to level 100 is now ranked above 80 on the XP Toplist.  I wonder what the sorting criteria is?  I used to think it would just be +XP (like all other levels), but since those are both 0... ?  The Famepoints column doesn't seem to be considered either... unless they are in ascending order.

I just happened to come across a few classic posts by Slim, the first guy to "run out of game".  There is such a difference between the way he chose to handle it and the way you guys are choosing to handle it.  I just wanted to say thanks for having class in the face of disappointment.  I expect to join you in your disappointment (aka: relief!) in a few days.

The sad thing is, FoD actually responded when Slim and notable others handled things "their way", and doesn't seem to be doing much of anything as we sit back and handle things "our way".

Congrats both on winning larkinor,

They will probably be ordering the winners in alphabetical order... I assumme punctuation (-***-) comes first this way 
> They will probably be ordering the winners in alphabetical order... I assumme punctuation (-***-) comes first this way 

Well that's no good, that way I'll be 3rd... then 4th when Ainuan hits 100!  I suggest ordering by fewest clicks when you hit 100... !

i agree sandy.  while that would actually provide some means of showing who got there most efficiently, it's probably too useful to put there, since we haven't gotten upgrades very often ;)
Sorting by the Famepoints column (which already appears there for reasons which are inexplicable) would be a decent idea too.  That way the 100ers could PvP between themselves to try and move up that mini-list.

> They will probably be ordering the winners in alphabetical order... I assumme punctuation (-***-) comes first this way 

Callum made it to 100 a few minutes ago and is now listed first on the XP toplist.  So character name has nothing to do with it.  It could be ascending famepoints (which in my opinion is a bug), or perhaps it's descending date to give everyone their moment in the sun?  Any other decent guesses?

Ralphthedog looks like he'll be next up.  He has the least famepoints, so if either of the above theories are correct, he'll be first until someone lower comes along.  Or until one of the other level 100ers loses a few hundred famepoints perhaps?

To answer my own questions:

> 1) Can you still kill monsters on TA and Larkinor?


> 2) Do monsters on both islands drop the stuff they used to?

The ones I attacked certainly did.

> 3) Are XP gains still 100%?

No.  0%.

> 4) After killing a monster, the last line of the text usually is "You need XXXXXXXXXXXX more experience points for the next level!"... what does it say for you now?

The line mentioned about no longer appears after killing a monster, nor after stealing, robbing, digging, monstology or PvP.  (Dunno about building... heh!)

> 5) Can you steal and/or rob?

Yes, and I leveled up each one just to be sure I could do that too.

> 6) Can you build level 100 equipment?

Well, the armour doesn't seem to exist: 
You try to make something from these components... but nothing happens. Perhaps the details of the recipe are wrong?
.  I'll check the recipe on HU tomorrow and try again.  Maybe I'll try the weapons too, but I think it's safe to assume the level 100 kit was left out.

> 7) Is there anything in the level 100 supply tent? If so, what is there?

I've added it to the [url=
]Supply Tent article

> Other notes:

- I can still accept and do pub missions.
- Famepoints were earned during the PvP testing (thanks to flossy and Boo who each donated a famepoint in the name of Larki-science).
- I can still earn weapon skill percentage points, although it would take a few days worth of clicks to see if I can level it up.  Finally catching up my p/s weapon skill sounds like something worthy of my OCD.

Congrats on hitting level 100 Sandy!
grats on reachin 100 sandy!
Thanks everyone.

None of the following level 100 recipes work: full granite armour, wraithhelm, skivian pocketcannon, magma handle (an "intermediary component" as they were once called, required for the level 100 magmahammer).  I bought the barman a bunch of drinks and didn't get any level 100 recipes... which probably isn't saying much, as I only got one level 99 recipe.  I'm flogging a dead horse at this point.

I was able to level up my p/s skill.

Anyone have any other ideas for testing the limits of level 100?  It would appear that all XP gains have been shut down, and that level 100 items don't exist, but that everything else remains the same.

While the lack of gaining XP after hitting lvl 100 is not surprising, I am surprised that one can not even build the level 100 armor/weapons. 

Doesn't quite seem right since, according to the game, you've met all requirements to achieve lvl 100. If the 101+ equip is unavailable - that would make more sense.

Now if the items could not be obtained because they reside on >100 monsters (which have not been released) the inability to build would make sense, but I thought all 'missing' components were available at the tent.

Ingredients weren't the problem.  They are all available as monster drops except for the phantomlight lantern, and it is in the supply tent for 200 credits.  It's the recipes which don't work.  I only tried the four that would be useful to Callum, but it's safe to assume that all level 100 recipes have been left out.

>They are all available as monster drops except for the phantomlight lantern, and it is in the supply tent for 200 credits
i believe it's safe to say that this is available on larki, just that the monster hasn't been seen yet.  i noticed in the high 90's and low 100's, there aren't the normal 8-monsters-per-level listed on larkiguide, indicating that likely some aren't yet in the larkiguide database.  hopefully someone who shows up there soon will be able to add any new monsters, and confirm that the level on which all monsters are currently listed is correct.
I've killed the dude that drops the lantern.. he's tough but I got 2 of em.

Congratulations Ainuan!

So it definitely looks like the third sort criteria is famepoints ascending... which doesn't make sense to me.  Can we get that changed to famepoints DESCENDING by any chance, or do we really want the level 100 characters "accidentally" losing famepoint battles to get to the top of the list?

- Oops, I'm wearing my sword on my feet and carrying my boots in my hand... again!

- Silly me, I forgot I was at 1 hp when I attacked you... again!

- Oh yeah, I clicked that "put worn items into your backpack" button... again!

- Why didn't my spells kill you?  Oh yeah, this is my fighter.  I'm so forgetful.

- Doesn't everyone steal naked?!


You feel more powerful! 
You've reached level 100!

You feel your experience has reached its limit. There is nothing new to be taught to you in this world any more.

Better check the Top List again, I just threw my Mengornian Monkey Wrench into your theory! :)

so it's not sorted by total clicks, famepoints, hitpoints, manapoints, weapon/magic skills, money in bank or market, robbing or stealing (could be robbing, as callum's at 3 and the rest are at 0, but that wouldn't make sense), ship level, monstalogy, construction, conquest, any combination of those three, acquainted monsters, missions completed, who got to 100 in which order, alphabetical, when the account was created, any of the attributes, or any other logical (or even conceivable) way... so basically, it appears entirely random!

things i haven't yet checked (and/or can't check):
-date the char was created
-steps with balloon
-clones won battles
-clones earnings
-biggest casino win or loss
-any of the 4 last toplists (citizens by ____)
-XP above level 100 that the char would have right now, if it wasn't reset to 0

the only logical one i think it could be is the last one.  but to validate that, we'd have to know who has clicked how much since reaching level 100, and then let some who are below click a bunch, and see if they can pass some who are above.

Well, I've spent a good 5000 clicks conquesting since I hit level 100, that would be roughly 4 billion XP.

How about this one: The amount you exceeded the level 100 XP requirements by on the instant you hit level 100.

-date the char was created
Callum: Feb 12, 2005

-steps with balloon
Callum: #360 - 9057 steps

-clones won battles
Callum: #9206 - 1 battle

-clones earnings
Callum: Not listed.  (Currently 0 silvers in the arena)

-biggest casino win
Callum: #1 - 173,250,000 silvers

-biggest casino loss
Callum: #3 - -2,378,000 silvers

-citizens by clicks
Callum: #323 - 14626 clicks.

-citizens by time
Callum: #497 - 2005-02-19

-citizens by total XP
Callum: Not listed, and no orange bar at the bottom.  Callum would be WAY off this list.  The "Citizens by Time" toplist says he had less than 1 million XP, and #1000 on the "Citizens by Total XP" toplist has almost 10 million.

-citizens by XP/click
Callum: Not listed, and no orange bar at the bottom.  Callum would be WAY off this list.  The "Citizens by Time" toplist says he had 58.63 XP/click, and #1000 on the "Citizens by XP/Click" toplist has over 182.

Congrats Beavis!

I guess I should have fit that into one of my other posts... oh well.  Horray for the infinite canvas... or page or paper, or whatever the technobabblers call an internet forum.

Interesting how 95% of my message, which was posted to congratulate Beavis, has nothing to do with Beavis at all...

You feel more powerful! You've reached level 100!
You feel your experience has reached its limit. There is nothing new to be taught to you in this world any more.

grats dear ralphy :D:D:D:D:D:D
grats to all you guys once again!
<cheers :)

(still halfway there :S)

Welcome to club, Ralph!

I gotta say it, I'm glad to be on the top of the toplist... even though I have no idea why I am.  It would be nice to know, although that could put an end to the suspense I've been feeling when another character aproaches 100.

The suspense is back on, as is the curiosity about how this toplist is sorted.

You feel more powerful! You've reached level 100!
You feel your experience has reached its limit. There is nothing new to be taught to you in this world any more.
Congrats, Jag!  You're the new luckiest level 100er!  Expect me to start clamouring for an answer to how the level 100 characters are sorted on the toplist.  The apparently random order is very unsatisfying... unless you happen to be the lucky guy who ends up on top.

If there is no sort order after level and +XP, I request that famepoints in descending order be made the third criteria.  This gives the growing number of level 100 characters something to do among themselves to improve their ranking.

An official response to this suggestion would be very much appreciated.

grats jag!!! cheers for a job well done
also grats for having your name on top of the list 
> If there is no sort order after level and +XP, I request that famepoints in descending order be made the third criteria. This gives the growing number of level 100 characters something to do among themselves to improve their ranking.
> An official response to this suggestion would be very much appreciated.


Oh, I have that info, just sorting it so I don't share too much ;)
It took you a whole minute to respond.  This is unacceptable.  Haven't you guys heard of customer service?!

Looking forward to the full response.

You feel more powerful! You've reached level 100!
You feel your experience has reached its limit. There is nothing new to be taught to you in this world any more.
Congrats on being the newest number one Tom!

Congrats to you, Thom!  Well done :-)

Thank you everyone!!

I don't feel any different... somehow I thought that I would! 
grats... and with another one to come.
Yeah Pelo is level 100 too with:

Your enemy stares at you, and crumples to the ground defeated!
You've eliminated
 monsters already!
Wow, Thom!  Congrats on sweeping the top spots with Pelo and Cat.  



Sheesh!  Phew!  That's a lot of splat!  ;P  Congrats Thom!  Now stop showing off and give the rest of us a chance to catch up! :D
> If there is no sort order after level and +XP, I request that famepoints in descending order be made the third criteria. This gives the growing number of level 100 characters something to do among themselves to improve their ranking.
> An official response to this suggestion would be very much appreciated.


10354678 experience points earned!
You feel more powerful! You've reached 
level 100
You feel your experience has reached its limit. There is nothing new to be taught to you in this world any more.

only strength... comes in 3rd on toplist.

Grats Jason!  He's 3rd only for now ;)  LOL
>He's 3rd only for now
... til... artemis and vanquisher get to 100?  just a guess on how people end up on the toplist, but i'd say they might be two who could get ahead of me (artemis in first, vanquisher immediately ahead of me).
> If there is no sort order after level and +XP, I request that famepoints in descending order be made the third criteria. This gives the growing number of level 100 characters something to do among themselves to improve their ranking.
> An official response to this suggestion would be very much appreciated.


Congrats Jason!  What's your theory?

You feel more powerful! You've reached level 100!
You feel your experience has reached its limit. There is nothing new to be taught to you in this world any more.

For crying out loud.  Jumped ahead of 80 at spot 11 ( or is it behind at slot 11 ???

Good Lord!  Can't you people even give the courtesy of an entire word?  C-o-n-g-r-a-t-u-l-a-t-i-o-n-s!
So THAT's how you spell it!! ;)

Congratulations Secretary!
wow, now i know too. congratulations secretary
> If there is no sort order after level and +XP, I request that famepoints in descending order be made the third criteria. This gives the growing number of level 100 characters something to do among themselves to improve their ranking.
> An official response to this suggestion would be very much appreciated.


Fellow 100'ers, when you're slumming through the rabble on pages 2+ of the XP Toplist, check out your character's rank at the bottom of the page.

>Fellow 100'ers, when you're slumming through the rabble on pages 2+ of the XP Toplist, check out your character's rank at the bottom of the page

hrmm... so i see a "1", and can only assume all other 100's also see that.
does this also apply to others who are tied?  i know... what are the chances of actually being tied in xp's?  guess i'll just sit around and wait for someone to take a few new char's, and get each to 4 or 5 xp's at the same time to find out :p  yup, i'm lazy :)

could it be based on the # of clicks it took to get to 100? if this is the case vanquisher should slot in at #3.
There is one other level... maybe 86 ... there's a thread on it, where you get 0 exp points as soon as you get there. If someone waits at that level for another character...
como lo vas a tene r si no entras
apurate y te divertiras que estas esperando no seas soquete y vente a jugar
I cant belive it, I've worked out the order.

Just go to the palace and look at the exp per click there you level 100's are, all in the right order, just to check though if everyone could sign up it would give concrete evidence. If I'm right though I expect a lot of silvers please :-D
strength just added in...
and yes, it appears to be correct there.  though i was absolutely positive we had checked that before and there seemed to be an error.  maybe it was fixed.  maybe we checked the wrong info.  who knows.  looks good though.
You feel more powerful! You've reached level 100!
You feel your experience has reached its limit. There is nothing new to be taught to you in this world any more.
Well done D, I'm right beind ya ;)

Good show, Vansquisher.  (In line with the trend of each person calling you by a different name.  And yes, I'm aware of the spelling mistake!)

12221200 experience points earned!
You feel more powerful! You've reached level 100!
You feel your experience has reached its limit. You can sit back in the knowledge you have experienced all this world has to offer you.

dude wif a "special" hat :p
YAY TOUR!!!!  :D:D:D Congrats!!!  Wow, you totally rock!
Wear your level 100-hat, dude. ;)
grats :D your my hero! Luv ya!
*pops the champaign wooooo :D she made it :D lilzie and i will wait for a few more decades LOL:p
YAY wtg tour :D well done!! :D
Kudos and valour to thee, tour. Somebody like myself, who is struggling at the levels too low to mention, when sees another entry on the 100 list is indeed speechless.

See you there some time (dreams are for free).
Congrats on level 100 Boo :D:D:D:D:D

A warm welcome from the 13 or so other members of this the most pregistious of clubs.

P.s. the throne is yours. Dont forget your walkin on water boots.
Congratulations to my good friend Boo on this huge occasion!  WAY TO GO!!!  :D:D:D
Congrats, Boo!! I'm hoping to get there someday.
Well done Boo :D congrats!!!

I must add my congratulations and awe for this remarkable accomplishment. Now, don't leave, get your other guys there.

Dearest BOO,
Nothing makes me happier than seeing your name at the top of the list. I don't play so much anymore but I wanted to come back and look at the new toplist and smile.
Even if I don't play much in the future, Larki will always be special to me.  Met a lot of cool people on here, many of whom I call friends. And of course, I met you and my life has been forever changed. Thanks for everything and way to go!
We all should help other players get to 100.
After almost two years since last addition to lvl 100 club:

You feel more powerful! 
You've reached level 100!

You feel 
your experience has reached its limit
. You can sit back in the knowledge you have experienced all this world has to offer you.


What now?
Congratulations to Misko on reaching Level 100!  :) :) :)
An outstanding accomplishment, and worthy of recognition.  Next, I hope to see Misulko climbing up the Conquest ranks...

Way to go!  Nyin
Yeah, congrats Misko. Hopefully I'll get Dharga there soon.
Don Misko,

I am honored that you invited me to your daugther's wedding. Please now, don't let your other men go sleep with fishes.

Congrats, Misko!  Now to take down TA...
You feel more powerful! You've reached level 100!
You feel your experience has reached its limit. You can sit back in the knowledge you have experienced all this world has to offer you.

>>>>>>>>You feel more powerful! You've reached level 100!

Congrats Dharga :)

FlyOrDie Moderator
Congratulations Dharga!!!

You feel more powerful! You've reached level 100!
You feel your experience has reached its limit. You can sit back in the knowledge you have experienced all this world has to offer you.
Yay tad!!!!  Congratulations on reaching 100!
Way to go, Tad!! welcome to the club! :D
Congrats Tad :)!

FlyOrDie Moderator
Congratulations tad! I hope this does not hit your motivation to play (like it did in my case).
karmina reached level 100,

You feel more powerful!
 You've reached level 100!
You feel your experience has reached its limit.
 You can sit back in the knowledge you have experienced all this world has to offer you.

Woohoo!  Congratulations, kristal!  Enjoy the end of upgrades.
KARA reached level 100.

You feel more powerful! You've reached level 

You feel your experience has reached its limit. You can sit back in the knowledge you have experienced all this world has to offer you.

>You can sit back in the knowledge you have experienced all this world has to offer you.
... except that the world still has "more splats" to offer!
Apple reached level 100.

You feel more powerful! You've reached level 100!
You feel your experience has reached its limit. You can sit back in the knowledge you have experienced all this world has to offer you.

Parsley reached level 100.

You feel more powerful! You've reached level 100!
You feel your experience has reached its limit. You can sit back in the knowledge you have experienced all this world has to offer you.

Apricot reached level 100.

You feel more powerful! You've reached level 100!
You feel your experience has reached its limit. You can sit back in the knowledge you have experienced all this world has to offer you.

Peach reached level 100.

You feel more powerful! You've reached level 100!
You feel your experience has reached its limit. You can sit back in the knowledge you have experienced all this world has to offer you.

KRÎSTÂL reached level 100.

You feel more powerful!
 You've reached level 100!

You feel your experience has reached its limit.
 You can sit back in the knowledge you have experienced all this world has to offer you.

The Club has a new member ;)

Hope everyone is well

Congrats KMS :) been watching the toplist for the last month waiting for you to make it! Looking good in position #2

Hope life’s treating you well!



You feel more powerful!
 You've reached level 100!
You feel your experience has reached its limit.
 You can sit back in the knowledge you have experienced all this world has to offer you.

Congrats Kristal, that was one insane push in the end (what, like 30k clicks burned in two days?!)! :D And Lavender's only the first of the fleet of 4 134's! :D We mentioned you in chat today, you decided to go with a very interesting build - how did you choose your final stats of 103-133-134? The char looks like a very nice splatter - congratulations, once again! :D 

...And a very belated congratulations, KMS!:D We're doing as well as is possible in such hard times. Hope you and loved ones are doing well, too - and DO return to us sometimes!
Thank you  NicramDuel :D

I calculated the total attribute points one can distirubute for a character;
initial attiribute points are 20, at each level +3, one starts with level 1 and goes to 100, until one character reaches level 100, it will gain 99*3 attributes points, and there are 55 king missions each gives 1 point.  If the character joins a clan it has to use one attirubute point.  So total attribute points a character can have 
I decided stats in this way. :)

Now I wonder about magic level, how far it can go after level 100. Hope to figure it out soon. :)
That's practically the same model we calculate our endgame stats as well, with the slight modification of 57 missions instead of 55 for now, with a total of 373 points up for distribution! Who knows how these numbers will change in the future (may they change a LOT! :D ). 

Magic, currently should cap out at 109 for you - I would be very-very happy to see that move up a bit though! :D 

What I meant in choosing your final stats was my curiousity for specifically deciding on the 103 quick - 133 IQ - 134 pers setup - it looks like an extremely efficient splatting setup - just wanted to know why you went with those exact numbers! :) 

Best of luck in bringing the other 3 sisters up to 100, too! :D 
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