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A tribute to a great man, Rebsojer (Mike).
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A tribute to a great man, Rebsojer (Mike).
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A tribute to a great man, Rebsojer (Mike).
Dear Tanxsters,

I come forth today to recognize one of the most friendly and respectful Tanxsters in history, Mike. He always helps newer players, protects sweet ladies and is an all around thoughtful person. Despite being 40+ years older than many ladies in Tanx, he took them under his wing and spent a very large part of his valuable time teaching them how to be great people and much more.

I would also like to recognize his great services to the United States of America, for his action in the Vietnamese war, no matter how unjust and reprehensable, his valorous effort on attacking his enemies with such brutality and blasphemous fighting style truly earns this great man the reputation he deserves, and we all know what that is. Rebsojer, you are a good man and I wish you well, no matter how old you are, you have shown that age truly does not matter, even when it comes to matters of the heart.

Yours truly,
Ok,I give up,who are you? Thanks for the compliments.But the name leaves me at a loss.