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Dear Moderators
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Dear Moderators
  Im snooker player and my best is more than 700, and Im looking to be subscrider. So I have sended money for 1 month 4 times but got nothing! What happened??
FlyOrDie Subscription States
For U.S. orders, please allow 10-14 days after mailing your check for your check to be received and your order processed. Non U.S. orders should allow 2-4 weeks

Did you send the money orders recorded delivery?
That way you have proof you sent...

You been waiting far to long:(

βгοοkζγη ήγс™ 

well everytime i sub its on instantly but:p

your sub should come in a few days and if u did 4 times for 1 month i guess you'll have 4 month sub:D

   Have sended first subscr. think more than 2 months ago.
  But got nothing! And I sended money later on the same day when receive account number where I should send money. What`s the problem? I lost my money? 
From where your sending it do you have the ability to track your money from send to recieve?  If you can I would do that so you know where your money either goes or stops moving.  Also how are you paying for your sub?  
please email support@flyordie.com

This issue cannot be dealt with in the forums