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what are nickhiders ?
what is your opinion to them ? 
I would like to know it :) .
wouldnt consider myself a nic hider, but i do go after high ranking tanks that are getting points off of low ranking tanks. I cant stop them but i might be able to slow them down or run them off.
Nik Hiders - players who have a high rank on another name but use their low names to decrease the rank of other players. Alot of nik hiders do this because other high rankers are getting close to the score they have on their high niks or have surpassed their score. As it sounds it is very cowardess and it is mainly done by the bankers who fear to play their normal rank just incase they lose their precious pts. That is my opinion of hiders but am pretty sure this sums up the term 'Nik Hiders' thank you.
I would say that sums it up B.F.   UNSPORTSMANLIKE    sometimes nic hiders pair up.  If you ca`nt run with the big dogs...... stay on the PORCH !
Currently holding the top 5 spots in Tanx .

5 nicks not yet more than 3 months old.
The best way to stop a nickhider is to spawn a few teammates in a 6 man op and devine yourself to your most logical rate and eventually he will leave the game from borrom.
Usually with modern "free" vpn is that most ids are simular thats why alot of nicks getting noted as multiple nicks when the nicks are played by diffrent people on multiple devices, just saying. :|