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Anyway u could set a service up that would
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Anyway u could set a service up that would
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Anyway u could set a service up that would
send u a reminder email when sub is due to run out for yearly subbs of course.  people who use money orders require at least 21 days from when they ask for money order to be sent.  therefore would like 1 months notice. is this possible please OP ?  

Why not jst check when your sub runs out :| in settings ??
when u sub for a year u find it kinda pointless not like its every month 
thats like saying why bother having the icon that allows u to see entire room in lobby display.  when u can look in rooms anyway.  i know why cos its more efficient and would make a big diffrence to money order subscribers
This is just coincidence that I don't agree with your suggestion again. It's not hard to check it in Settings. Neither it is difficult to subscribe again once your subscription has run out. 
The coders for this game got better things they could be doing :|

Sort the spin out whilst on the cushion
Bo3 Options
Continue break after somebody leaving
Colour nomination

Just a few. They take a few months including testing...Why waste there time when it takes seconds to check status:D

Just lazy
well if they got better things to do u show me summit they actually doing m8.   ive asked for all those sugestions....are they done ?  so i thought id try and keep it simple for them.