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reply emails
reply emails
reply emails
you should send an instant reply to make sure the sender of the emails knows it has got to fods email account
Would be nice for an automatic responder, but personally I don't think it would prove that useful as i'm quite sure they get all the emails sent to them unless your personal email account cameback with a unable to send notify.  If you ever got that then your email failed to send for whatever reason
considering the number of emails received each day, an auto-responder would just not be practical. You might only send 1 mail....but think about how many are sent to modmail everyday!!

Give us a figure of how many are sent :D
Depends on the day but 500 wouldn't be unusual.
There must be quite a few that don't end up with punishment then, 500 demerits a day would be interesting to see in a room :p
I'm sure not every email is about bad behaviour Chris...
Still...i betnot many are acted upon ;\