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Brazilian Tanx
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Brazilian Tanx
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Brazilian Tanx
Hi There, I just want to tell everyone that, there are many versions of tanx as u may know, so I'll give the link for it so anyone can acess it if they want, but they(us) dont like strangers from another country that much.
Brazilians Portuguese and some German, those are the main people that play there.
We Have a lot of teams there as well, I'll give everything here, just to let you all know


 Its My Team, over 60 people and we are older than 2 yrs

 Its a Younger team but very strong, they come here to flyordie by the nickname Uniao.S.A

these are the main teams there, but there are a lot more,
more than 7 I think, but the links cant enter in most Americans or from other countries
good bye, visit us there, IT WILL BE FUN.
my nickname there is Bryan_Unido so u all can talk with me, all the time, so long
Bryan_BR FULANO Bryan_Brazil

I went to the 2nd link, and saw the "intro". it's awsome, even though it's not english. I wish people could mak movie clips like that...
yes, very nice!

força unidos!
some very good sites in your links keep up the good work and hope one day you will be good enough to beat me lol only jokeing i had the very bad luck to play you and three of your team and they are good player keep it up and good luck. 
FULANO AWESOME SITE....you need an english version though.
No, really. I gets me very overjoyed. It's an awsome clip! I rate this one 4 stars
No, really. I gets me very overjoyed. It's an awsome clip! I rate this one 4 stars! How did you make that clip? DId you just turn on a camera and took shots on tanx scenes? That's awsome, man!
Fieyr2002wlfpac, a fellow WP teammate, said he'd make a clip for the WP site...
fieyr, when're you gonna be done? Oh, yeah, the WP site is being worked on. I wonder what'll be improved...
Fieyr, if you ever finish the clip, show it to me!!!!!!
those are some good site's fulano
Hi, I wasn't responsible for that page, my friend is, his name is Dragon_BR, he is an aswsome webdesigner, good player, and a very good friend.
The second page, ULTRA-BR made it, or ULTRA.UNIAO.SA
Ultra is one of the best players I know...
Dragon did that webpage, he took the pictures and then made it on a slide show, I THINK, he has designed many pages for my group, Unidos, meaning United.
As I said, we have more than 60 people and that, and we are older than 2 yrs.
Dragon has worked many weeks for doing that webpage, and we all thought it was the best page of groups in the Tanx area.
Well, thats all I gotta say, talk to Dragon_BR once in a while, he doesnt speak that much english, but he can understand you all, and I'm always online,
Thanks again
Any News, I'll tell everybody about it

heck yeah, i agree with ya there slayer, actually i think there is less lag there too. . .