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Ads and the VIRUSES that come with them
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Ads and the VIRUSES that come with them
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Ads and the VIRUSES that come with them
I have a rating of around 150.  Today I was playing an opponent with a rating of 296.  I was holding my own (at the very least) and had an opportunity to KICK HIS (you know what).  Then, all of a sudden, one of the rotating ads on the page opened five or six different browser windows, and something activated my virus scanning software.  According to the software, one of the open windows had tried to do something illegal.  In the end, ALL of my browser windows closed, and therefore, I LOST THE GAME!!  I want (seriously) want to find the JERK responsible for the virus (or virus simulation) that shut down my browser and cost me the game, and punch his eyes out through the back of his head.  I am sorry, but this has happened more than once!  Flyordie should either fix this problem, or else I will boycott Flyordie, along with my other 3,000 Nerd friends!
simply subscribe then you have no pop ups

I subscribed, and I still get slow playing games even if I've irradicated all virusus and ads from my system.  Not fair to say the least.

Everytime I play a game now, sure no banners or ads around the edges, but the system still acts the same as it did before I SUBSCRIBED!  

I constantly clean my system with anti-virus software and ad/malware cleaners.  Still acts the same though....
Oh yeah, and it aint my computer thats slow, as it is a decent-ish lappy.  Not that this site needs much power to run a game at that.
Yes this is stupied... i tryed to play a game with Sky Walker.... and i lose by time because of these stupied' pop up ads that froze my pc and took up all my time.... 

This is purely viruses, and when i am playing my zonealarm goes all crazy!
I agree. All these ads are annoying and really stupid. When I wait to finish a game in 2 minutes, it usually takes 5 min. to finish because of all the ads. Sometimes I even think that I have disconnected.
How can flyordie be responsable for the contents of the advertisments? If you were any good you would should have no trouble beating people that high rated anyway.