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LadyDie and Veriac
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Dear Moderators
LadyDie and Veriac
Posted in 
Dear Moderators
LadyDie and Veriac
LOL why dont u 2 get along? read my post 
 :) Veriac shows you have some sad in ur life dont take it out on the Lady if ur scared of men ur prob m8.
I'd have to agree that those pictures are a little extreme....
Oh kid you are so wrong.  Veriac and I get along great!  For several years we were partners in MI6.  I had his back and he had mine.  We trusted eachother with our lives and I can tell you he isn't afraid of men or women.  We continued our friendship and opened a private investigation business together when we got out of MI6.  We did have a little dispute when I decided to sell my half of the business and move to the States with our kids. We soon reconciled and he introduced me to the wonderful world of FOD.  As long as he continues to give me his credit cards we work together here, have a great time, and a lot of laughs together.
I blame the game Larkinor.

It has a secret subliminal code in it,which warps your gene's.

 As I already have an Aunty Jean , it doesnt bother me.

Rebel kid, your not going to go anywere with this other than the banned book :D.

They posted a shot of a mod swearing 2 week ago, they got banned for it now you expect what from this?

Ver's a good mod and just trying to have a laugh there so please run along son... :D
ok LadyDie making sure;-),And for you Rasta since when did u tell me what to do? get a life and stop stalking me thanks now run along son.:)