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who thinks the world will end on 6/6/06
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who thinks the world will end on 6/6/06
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who thinks the world will end on 6/6/06
i personally think its not...
Why 6/6/2006? If the numbers were relevant it would have ended 2000 years before on 6/6/6. So no, it actually ends on 21/12/2012 (according to the Maya).
well personaly i dnt care coz i believe it will end wen im dead so thts a good point :) lol
But what, in the highly likely event, you're predicted to die after 2006:(?

The meisterB-)
well cause im such a a55hole people wud probably be better of when im dead more chance of the world ending when im actually here than when im not :p  lol
Be more optomistic ..what about 678890088767655 lol
Too be honest i don't give a crud when the world ends as long as it's after i visit the angels :)
How very kind of you...but then what would be the point in living if it wasn't to make the world better for your children.
Because i'm a grumpy son of a ...

The amount of times the world was supposed to end, it gets boring now :|

We have a few million years till we can get rid of this goddam place yet :)
I can tell you made that statement based on no fact whatsoever.
Can't you remember when people said that the millenium was the end of the world.

I just don't believe in judgement day and armageddon :D

>We have a few million years till we can get rid of this goddam place yet

I meant that one:p.
Well i don't know the length exactly but i'm talking bout the sun dying out, expanding to a red giant, engulfing earth etc etc lol

But this isn't an astronomy lesson :p
>I just don't believe in judgement day and armageddon

What about WW3?
You mean the community on this site? That's bad enough in terms of wars :p
No mate, he meant world war 3. (Like he said)
Well based on the meteor comet that missed us by so many hundreds/thousands of miles in 1999, or was it 1998? I'd say the world will end in hundreds of years, not millions. To be simple, we wont live to see it. :)
lol...The world wont end while ur alive so calm down...
what r you smokein ; man you need some doc help . lmfao

Top master. WHo u talking to? :$ i hope u rnt talking to me cuz if u r ur in big troubel :$
What ya gonna do bout it?:DB-):p
lolx....Ballack out of list...
i search from a site that predict GERMANY win 2-0
How ur guy opinion....Pls reply me soon...Because match start soon..Thanks

i reseach from 
>i search from a site that predict GERMANY win 2-0

Not a very good site then ;)
The world won't "end" for a long time....thousands..maybe millions of years, we will never know about it and if any life form happens to have survived the natural disasters that will run up to the end of the world they will be either very lucky or immune to a lot of things.
Anyone saying that the world will end on a certain date is talking rubbish and there certainly won't be any silly number matches except out of pure coincidence.

As for WW3 I am sure that will happen in the not too distant future and I am also sure who is going to be the cause of it even if they do lay blame on Mr Laden.
I wanted to name Mr Iaden but the censore got it for some reason, can we still type the name Mr Bush? and if so ....why?
Ooooo delving into some politics and corruption now :D
>can we still type the name Mr Bush? and if so ....why?
LMAO! :p
alright i have heard that the world will end in DECEMBER 2012 because the Mayans Believed that the world would end then and their calender STOPS at that date.
that has more info about the mayan calender things and other things its quite interesting
You mean you heard it from what Beppe said in the same post:p.
no i found out about exodus 2006 in about august of 2005 and i got it from there
21/12/2012 is a significant date whether the world ends or not. Studies suggest that the Mayan believed this date to be when the world resets to it's true axis due to the gravitational pull of aligning planets. They believe that the resulting change in ecological conditions will be a very bad thing, destroying most of the life on the planet. Modern day scientists don't believe that the theories of planetary alignment mean much. What appears to be true it that the North pole is moving closer to true north, though I have not heard of any link to the Mayan theories. As I have said before, most of us will be around to see what happens...
lmfao beppe silence u old man noone likes u just stop talking..
I actually found that quite interesting, more interesting than what you just said :|
>lmfao beppe silence u old man noone likes u

That's strange, seeing as you are the one having to make a new nick to throw the insults. It appears that you are the coward with no friends ;)