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Shouldnt it be top 16 rather than 20 like in snooker
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Shouldnt it be top 16 rather than 20 like in snooker
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Shouldnt it be top 16 rather than 20 like in snooker
why do we have top 20 list when in reality its top 16 thats the main thingy.  
Personally I think they should expand it to top 50, possibly 100. They have done it with Larkinor so there is no reason why it can't be done with billiards. :p
Yeah agreed with last post. I play a different pool game, where every subbed player is on the rankings list:p

Э6 ©®Až¥ƒΐ§†§™
The top 20 should have non subs too, or its not even a top 20. And I think it would be good like God said, to have top 100 or even higher.
>The top 20 should have non subs too, or its not even a top 20. And I think it would be good like God said, to have top 100 or even higher.

Why should people who don't contribute to the forming of such things like the top 20 be allowed on it?
i agree its not a true reflection on the game but if you don't pay you don't gain!
I think the idea of having all subscribers on a top list is a good one however.
why should non subscribers get that privelage  ???? nothing in life is free.  its a few quid for a sub and yet 100s are unsubbed in rooms every day.  i find it funny 
Well said martin, you get nothing in life without paying for it. 

One thing that annoyes me in when you cant watch a game cuz its full, I reckon the last logged in unsubbed nick should be booted out of it :p
why should they be allowed to watch a game in the first place.  should be subbed privilages
Non subbed people on top 20? No way, then the top guys would make 20 nicks and try to have the list to themselves. No TYVM.
^ Like they can't do that now? :p
 Watching a game? I think guests should be booted first as well if someone else wants to go in.
>Like they can't do that now?

They don't because it costs money to sub names. Not everyone puts all their wages and time into this game.
What, the top 20 list means something? The top 20 players arn't even the top 20 players! I hardly think its such a big privilage to have your name on the top 20 players list when you shouldn't even be in it. 
tazz its just over a £10 to have year sub.  hardly their wages and if it is they need new job

It is unlikely that someone will sub 20 nicks just to rule the top list, though people may sub more than one name.
Personally I can think of a million better things to spend £200+ on Martin. What you do with your wages/mummy and daddy's weekly pocket money, is up to you.
when u start earning real money u wont be saying oooo about £ 200 m8 lol.  and what i got i paid for aint like most kids these days everything bought for them.  i was a kid about 10 yrs ago.  so next time u think £200 is a lot of money DONT
In my opinion, to spend £200 a year on this site, just a little internet game which way too many ppl take so seriously, is bordering a little on the sad side;).

Э6 ©®Až¥ƒΐ§†§™
>is bordering a little on the sad side

A little? The guy is a joke.
TAZZ just for the record i said it only just over a £10 to sub for year now i didnt say they would sub for a year did I ???? my poinrt was if its only a £10 for a year then its a few quid for a month.   NOW U GET ME ??? so its more like £40 for ablity to own top 20.  god some people are so transparent.  cant u understand that ? tazzy
crazyfist dude u missing my point m8.  i spend about £20 a year which is equivelent to 1 hours pay.  
>No way, then the top guys would make 20 nicks and try to have the list to themselves.

It's this comment I've referred to through my posts.

>tazz its just over a £10 to have year sub.

So what is 20 x £10 then? 

>so its more like £40 for ablity to own top 20.

You said it's £10 a year which is a few quid a month yeah? Well if your subscribe for a year, you don't just pay for one month do you? You have taken it at £2 a month for each name (20 in all). So by your calculations, it won't cost £40 like you said, it'll cost you £480 to 'own top 20'. 

>so next time u think £200 is a lot of money DONT

So what do you think about £480 then mate? And if money means so little to you then why don't you subscribe 20 names and 'own' the top 20. I've seen you play and personally, I've seen people who don't even know what they're doing, play better.
lmao still not quite grasping it r u little man ?? i said its just £10 a year so its just a few quid IF u subbed for a month.  are u really like this in the head or u messing with me here ? and at what point did i say i was good ? it seems soon as summit comes in your skull you let the story run wild. like in school u know ?
and what would be the point in 20 subbed niks ? i never said to have 20 niks just saying it aint impossible for the top players IF they wanted too