If you don't know don't judge, if you don't know don't say anything, especially if you don't understand don't invent. we live in a world where stupidity is listened to,intelligence ignored and education is old fashioned.Silence is the friend of humility because knowing how to be silent in the face of certain people is an art.
Tryktrak 810 points 1,582 matches
Dziewiątka 174 points 1,023 matches
Szachy 25 points 448 matches
Reversi 49 points 408 matches
Szachy Błysk 26 points 284 matches
Go 0 points 198 matches
Snooker 59 points 181 matches
Ósemka angielska 52 points 169 matches
Młynek 0 points 166 matches
Kółko i krzyżyk 82 points 159 matches
Gra pamięciowa 225 points 144 matches
Warcaby Bullet 1′ 97 points 139 matches
Ósemka 185 points 119 matches
Warcaby 101 points 100 matches
Dart 501 0 points 94 matches
Dart 301 0 points 71 matches
Cztery w rzędzie 43 points 65 matches
Curling 5 points 58 matches
Szybki Snooker 87 points 58 matches
Bank Pool 16 points 53 matches
Czternaście plus jeden 96 points 46 matches
Szachy Informant 0 points 34 matches
Dart Cricket 0 points 34 matches
Pente 65 points 33 matches
Sinuca 16 points 28 matches
Snooker Lite 37 points 27 matches
Szachy błysk 18 points 20 matches
Czołgi 0 points 18 matches
Szachy błysk 2 31 points 16 matches
FodBall 0 points 13 matches
Date | Wynik | Przeciwnik | Ranking przeciwnika (zmiana) | Duration | Moves | |
| 0 | 5:01 | 17 |