ريهام الفلسطينية
Respect is the self-worth that you give to others, and it is a general evaluation that you give to someone based on several factors, including: What this person does in his life, how he behaves with others, how honest he is, and the number of good deeds he does, whether small or large. Respect, in short, is a positive view you form about someone's way of life, and on the other hand, it is self-respect and the positive view you form about yourself.💓🌷💓Enjoy your time with FlyOrDie
Chess 474 points 10,525 matches
Go 388 points 2,353 matches
Bullet Chess 2 449 points 2,318 matches
Bullet Chess 471 points 1,350 matches
Go-Moku 177 points 704 matches
Reversi 194 points 607 matches
8-Ball Pool 42 points 467 matches
9-Ball Pool 117 points 449 matches
Blitz Chess 468 points 437 matches
Memory 43 points 406 matches
Pente 0 points 291 matches
Backgammon 200 points 219 matches
Four in a Row 17 points 156 matches
Nine Mens Morris 149 points 103 matches
Checkers 298 points 102 matches
Informant Chess 259 points 59 matches
Curling 61 points 48 matches
Snooker 63 points 39 matches
Blackball Pool 56 points 14 matches
FODBall 64 points 11 matches
Bullet Checkers 24 points 8 matches
Quick Snooker 18 points 4 matches
Snooker Lite 16 points 3 matches
Date | Result | Opponent | Opponent rating | Duration | Moves |
Respect is the self-worth that you give to others, and it is a general evaluation that you give to someone based on several factors, including: What this person does in his life, how he behaves with others, how honest he is, and the number of good deeds he does, whether small or large. Respect, in short, is a positive view you form about someone's way of life, and on the other hand, it is self-respect and the positive view you form about yourself.💓🌷💓Enjoy your time with FlyOrDie