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Sorry...I didnt realise snookering wasnt allowed in 8ball
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Sorry...I didnt realise snookering wasnt allowed in 8ball
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Sorry...I didnt realise snookering wasnt allowed in 8ball
I find it funny how I snookered one guy yesterdy when I was playing as it was my only shot on and it started having a go at me saying that we not playing snooker LOL. Sorry i didn't know that they made a rule overnight saying that they couldn't snooker in pool. Why or why does it bug people so much if you do the occasional snooker, it happens alot in professional pool. Anyways as some of you say you are so good then why cant you get out of them or give me snookers to get out of. Anyways please can someone come on here and tell me why you cant snooker in pool. Cheers.
you can snooker in pool, if they dont like it its there problem not yours :p
Snooker all you want and mute the little crybabies.
happens in 9-ball too
i've often used the 3 foul rule to my advantage 

is it morally wrong?
yep u aint got a shot on and you dont want to hit n hope so instead of snookerin or playin safe u should set the other guy up,im sure he would do the same for you
so how comes every 1 complains when some1 combo's in 9ball...isnt that part of the rules too?
exactly my point

if it wasn't right to do that they wouldn't have come up with the rule

it takes skill to pull it off so why not use it

i'm more of a tactical player than a heavy ball player so it should be ok to play like this
It's not that snookering's not allowed, It's just sad the way people use it most of the time. Iv'e seen players have ball in hand and snooker. The way I play id rather go for a kill shot then play a snook, sure I lose games because of this but it don't bother me. There is a specific game for snookering ya know, but for those who cry about snooks just don't play that person again. Thers no need to cry, it's just a game junior. :D

If its in the rules there is no problem. Certain people choose not to snooker but that is thier choice. The people who cry about people snookering them are the people who would snooker you themselves. 
its sad and lame that people have to snooker in pool.  it just shows how incapable u r at potting 
Ain't nothing wrong with snookering. The only thing bad about it is the way -Tiger- uses it. I mean, every shot? Even on an easy shot?
Aw, I stayed away as long as I could. I play by Avengers Rules, that is to say I made Avengers rules to better 9 Ball for good players.
Hit and Hope is something that cannot go away, with-out a alled shot button.
YeagerMiester and I used to play call yer shot, but its rare to find.
Snookers players, and understand this, nobody likes a 3 fouler, so w/e the "Rules" say 3 foulers bite.
Combo after a foul,.... I dont mind it if I leave a Easy shot,I deserve to lose then.
But the Fluky combo's,and runners....If thats you,yer arguments dont matter, and you know it, or you wouldn't be on yer 5th names..
its hardly sad and lame that people snooker in pool

i am quite capable at potting too

i'm just better at the tactical game and if that means i can utilise a rule to my advantage then i can

the only reason you would complain is if you got too stressed out because you are incapable of getting out of the snooker yourself :D
its sad and lame that people have to snooker in pool. it just shows how incapable u r at potting

Stupid comment martinduffy unless you were trying to be funny.

Have you ever seen pros play pool ? It's part of the game. You don't see them complaining and it's HOW THEY MAKE THEIR LIVING. On here it means nothing besides a few worthless cyber points. 

yes don u hit the nail on its head little man.  ITS A GAME so why snooker lol.  if it didnt mean so much to these players then they wouldnt snooker !!!

Then why do you bother to aim the shots Martin? I will tell you why - even though it's a game, you play to win. The rules are designed to allow different strategies to achieve this, and there is nothing to say that someone has to pot if there is a shot on. If snookering was a bad part of pool, then the rules would probably have given the opponent BIH if snookered. They don't, so live with what is allowed and what is not.
beppe another time to hush.. i said its very lame and it is.  its an opinion beppy live with it 
Martin m8, I gotta disagree with ya here. Although (in most cases:p) u can't win without potting balls, u also sometimes end up in a situation where the only available option is by snookering. It's all just part of the game.:)

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yes u losing the point i never disagreed with rules i said its lame when u have to resort to snooks.  and ive never played a deliberate snook in either pool or snooker and have had crown a few times in pro and 697 in 8 ball.  so u dont need to snook otherwise id never had got crown ?
>beppe another time to hush.. i said its very lame and it is. its an opinion beppy live with it 

Lame is when people try to tell others what to do.
Lol, I'm defending people when I don't like it myself :p

Martin - as a supposedly good real pool player, you more than others should understand the importance of the whole game over a single shot. Not everyone is as good as you on this game site.
yes don u hit the nail on its head little man. ITS A GAME so why snooker lol. if it didnt mean so much to these players then they wouldnt snooker !!!

So let's all change the rules that have been on the books forever so we don't ruffle you're little feelings.

What a tool.
if i have no choice i will snooker in pool or if im playing somebody who trys to do it to me ;) i find it lame when someone snookers with shots on, if im playing a m8 i wont snook ill go for anything...

martin is the reason that i myself play bo3 no rules in 9ball. There are no written rules or in game rules that state snookering is not allowed on pool. Having read your other posts it seems your'e just a little person who has nothing better to do than argue with people (especially Beppe) - now get a life and stop crying about people snookering. Its part of the game and just because professionals don't do it it does not mean people on an online pool game shouldn't. TBH you will probably never make it as a pro let alone semi-pro so quit whining and play the game.
p.s Scotty aka The Power would skool u in a game of snooker anyday - FACT.
"If its in the rules there is no problem. Certain people choose not to snooker but that is thier choice. The people who cry about people snookering them are the people who would snooker you themselves"

Bang on, like Good boy or those other 9 ball fks
lol who said i wanted rules changed wow some people are so simple minded.  i said its lame that people play snooks when able to clear, whats wrong with saying that ?? and beppe i aint good no where near as good as most on this site.  my point is very easily understood try to understand it this time MAYBE guys.  
yes The Power my point exactly but they having difficulty taking it in (n)
>but they having difficulty taking it in (n)

I implied that I agreed with you in principle, but that moaning about what others do is unnecessary.
beppe i aint moaning m8 its an opinion. if people want to snooker then fine they can but i still think its sad that people snooker in pool i never moan at a player mind in a game or in lobby, just here and never direct to a person.  i just hate snooks m8 is that ok ? and fod dont like em either otherwise they wouldnt have updated the no rail rule recently 
The no rail rule was updated to represent the actual rules, as requested by some of the users of the site.
ok then the rules try to support non snook shots 
i agree with both.. i see duffys point, a good example of his theory would be zeus. He purposely misses a straight in shot just to leave you snooked. And I agree i find this "lame" but then I also see beppes point. It isnt against the rules so this is allowed. Personally I think 1 snook a game is okay but if your snooking 2, 3, 7 times a game then thats lame.
The good thing is that you get to chose your opponents - if you don't like the way someone plays, then don't play them again :D
I think it's very good tactical play if you snooker in 8 ball. Due to the fact that you have to rail it making it a little bit more challenging than snooker where you cap tap wherever you like.
You can say what you like about Zeus, but the truth is hes one of the best on this site. He never crys, always plays bo3, and plays very tactically, which is probably why you all lose and hate him. I think hes probably the most challenging player to play at the moement, you know how he will play, so if you don't like it, don't play him.
hara i aint moaning at people in general just at people who snook when no need to.  just cos they dont feel comfortable with a clearence they need a move shot to win.  and i cant remember a time when uve snooked me hara.  and its funny people hide the word snooker with the word tactical cos it sounds better.  snooks are snooks and i hate em its just my opinion we all have our own opinion.  its a shame cos loads of people are amazing potters here and they still resort to snooks 
lol legend u cant tap where ever u like well u can but it dont make u snooked always infact rarley 
Nah, but it's easy soloution for safety play.
safetys and snooks are two diffrent things in snooker
a person should do whatever it takes to win within the boundaries of the rules.

we all have the same options available to us.


there is no such thing as internet pool ethics

people will do whatever they want.


a person should do whatever it takes to win within the boundaries of the rules.

we all have the same options available to us.


there is no such thing as internet pool ethics

people will do whatever they want.


That pretty much says it all.
I've been here for a while now and everyday it's the same nonsense over and over and over. 
>a person should do whatever it takes to win within the boundaries of the rules.

>we all have the same options available to us.


>there is no such thing as internet pool ethics

>people will do whatever they want.


Wasn't it you who just made a topic complaining about how someone played?

To be fair to him Hara, he made a topic about someone's unsportmanlike behaviour - which is against the rules.
The object of most games in which opponents play against one another is to WIN. If you don't play to win, then why bother to play? Good sportmanship means that each player competes within the rules. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with capitalizing on an opponent's mistake to gain an advantage in a competitive game. This bleating about it not being "fair" to take ball in hand, combo the 9 ball, snooker etc, is just plain ignorant. Imagine in American basball, if someone suggested it was "unfair" to advance to second base because the outfielder committed an error and dropped the ball. "OOPsie, the outfielder dropped the ball.. but I better be nice and just stay here at first base." Or for those of you who like football (soccer)... imagine, the striker kicks the ball, the goalie stops the ball but drops it in range of the striker to kick it in... but NOOOOOO... better be "fair" and politely give the ball back to the goalie. Ridiculous isn't it? But what many of you suggest for pool is no different.. and just as silly. 

Good defense, including snookering your opponent and playing safe when you don't have a good shot is an ESSENTIAL part of skillful billiards play. All you have to do is watch a few pro matches to see that.

I would suggest that contrary to what they claim, the people whining about defensive play being unfair aren't really interested in fairness at all but are actually incapable or unwilling to play intelligently themselves and are trying to gain an unfair (and unearned) advantage for themselves by conning people in the "fair play" nonsense.

I agree wholeheartedly with a previous post that aptly and succinctly hits the nail on the head with, "You say, "play fair'" I say, "Don't miss." To which I might add, don't miss and don't whine when your own mistakes cost you a game.

PS Beppe, you're a a little off base... unsportsmanlike conduct is against FlyOrDie rules... playing BY the rules isn't. *see above.
Sorry, I slightly misquoted Snipe's post from another similar thread... "You say don't combo.. I say don't miss."

The intent is the same though... 
I think you misunderstood mine as well - I said the same as you. My last reply before your comment was about something different.
Snookering like manny ppl sed 
is part of the game!!!
 im sure rules are the same internationally as they are in our country (im not talking bout internet pool btw) but same game same rules ..  to snooker takes SKILL.. 
so if ppl are gonna have an E-Cry mute the sooks 
You can snooker , But it has no class
To be honest it can often take greater skill to snooker someone than pot a ball.
Chris u mindless dim wit......in real prof snooker yes maybe...not on here man! Again WOTS WRONG WITH YOU!!!
i find snookering sad to be honest but its just my opinion.  reason being i play here for fun and cant see the point in wanting to win so bad.  i am very often snooker pro crown WITHOUT SNOOKS 
therefore showing u dont need to snooker if your good enough
nothing is wrong with me, this is a place for opinions so im giving mine if thats ok Thewholedamshow?

as an example, hitting a ball, coming back up to the baulk cushion and then slowly landing it behind your own ball is a tough shot to do. Adding in the fact that a ball must hit the cushion in 8 ball snookers sometimes arent as easy as lets say snooker. 

there are both attacking and defensive players, myself i am defensive meaning i play a lot of safety and snookers, I actually find the safety game quite fun myself, but obviously not everyone does, however  should people be hurled abuse when playing a perfectly legitimate shot in a game?
AGAIN Çhris wots wrong with you! LOL Read the comments against this type of play carefully...you keep ranting on with the same nonsence LoooooL. It takes no skill to tap up behind a ball to hide the white etc...NOT ON HERE, it's just plainly and simply L-A-M-E! Can you not get that round your tiny brain?? In the real game it's aknowledged as skill OK! Players who do that here are ridiculous and probably have no skill and have to resort to those pathetic tactics....Don't bother replying...you've said enuff LOOOOOooooOOOOOL! B-)

Well you should notice this is about 8 ball so you cant just tap behind a ball.....
Personally if a person snookers to much I'll just take note of that and not play them again. Not because I care about losing points because of them, but because I only play for fun, and I find it fun potting rather than trying to get out of a snooker every shot. 

>there are both attacking and defensive players, myself i am defensive meaning i play a lot of safety and snookers

If you need to snooker all the time then you clearly don't feel confident in making the shot. Thats ok if its a really hard one, but if its not, you arn't getting any practice in potting them, so you will never improve. A good player shouldn't need to snooker much to win.
yeah chris tha would be a good D shot , BUT when a player taps cue glueing it to his ball thats stuck to rail, theres no skill in this kind of D only bad CLASS, you try a shot like that in a bar some where and you will leave with you cue stick hangin out your body some where. Just my opinion.
i snooker all the time... they cry then I mute.. hehe
lol i had some muppet try this with me too so i just thought i'd pi$$ them off and snooker them 2 more times they hate when you do that. snookering is allowed as it does not say anywhere in the rule books for 8 or 9 ball that you cannot do it. anyway i've ranted enough so speak laters folks   ;)

youre wright, i lost the game yesterday becouse the other player snooked. so what, that just the way life is. Come on grow up people...
i personally think you should be able to snooker in pool as the pros do 

but FOD rules are rules
Erm myself,i snook often if i have no pot on,and i hate those crying childs who tell something like "play fair" or " go to snooker".and yeah king,i'd like to see FOD adding a rule like that
i snooker all the time lol. 
merry x-mas fod fans
We are, after all, playing collective "billards" ; 8-ball, 9-ball & Snooker. The general conscientious is to make it so that the opposing player cannot pot their balls. Which unfortunatly for weaker players is commonplace ;)

I love especially playin for a pot, and even if I miss it... I put so much spin on the cueball, that goes into the most awkward place to play.

Thats Billiards peeps. Enjoy it. 
Zeus41 is one of the best players in 8ball,and he snooks every game.
...It isn't hard to plant a snooker, Its mouse class to double...Id find it a bit boring keep snookering ;\
coz hes poor,cant pot a long ball
Personally I don't mind being snookered. But the only time I'd ever snooker is if there really isn't anything else on, or if I'm playing someone like Zeus. I just don't see the fun in snookering, it's more fun to play a bank;\
no wrong in snookering, i love the 3 foul rule in 9 ball.

i dont snooker lots only when needed
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