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Moderators needed in Larkinor
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Dear Moderators
Moderators needed in Larkinor
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Dear Moderators
Moderators needed in Larkinor
I know this topic is close to being beaten to death, I'm sorry.  We need more mods.  

To my knowledge, Larkinor has four mods.  One of whom I have seen only once, and I spend roughly 10-15 hours a day on Larkinor.  I cannot fault the current mods, they are just players who do it for free.  However, that doesnt decrease the need to have a mod in the room more frequently then we do now. 

Many people believe that the game is not nearly as much fun without the people, but many also think that the chat is more annoying than enjoyable.  This is due mainly to the fact that we seem to have so many new players who have no respect for others.  A high percentage of the time, the flooding and swearing we see in Larkinor chat from new players is not instigated, it is merely spouted for no reason.  

Has anyone thought about having a few mods who are not empowered to the level of regular mods?  Maybe the new ones would be able to demerit new players only.  Any other issues would have to be presented to a full mod.  This would eliminate many of the issues we have now.

Well, thank you for listening to me, I truely hope you take this into consideration.  

I agree chat has become a cumbersome process of dealing with immature new players.  They flood the channel, curse, try to go around the swear filters and pm regulars even after asked not to.  I love the idea of a Jr. Mod. for demerit reasons of immature players.    

I am on much of the day as well and could volunteer my services or could suggest a few could candidates.
I agree TeT ~

I think that having "player Mod's" in Larky Chat and forum would be a big help.

Being able to only give demerits and submit SS's and ban people from Forums, and just generaly show their presance in the chat would go a long way to stopping all the spamming that goes on.

I know a lot of times within 5 mins of a mod logging out we have very rude and/or obnoxious peeps in chat, that cause all of us rule abiding peeps to go running to private rooms that arn't nearly as fun, because of the 10 player limit to the rooms. There just isn't enough room for all to fit and someone is always left out in the lobby by themselves.

~ My two Cents~  or more :p  ha!


Yes lmw... I could also volunteer mine as well.. seeing as I am logged on here for 50+ hrs a week :p

I absolutely agree with Tet and i am not the only one
what is more there are alot of people who would be glad to become mods and since moderators are volonteers i dont see the problem
The real problem  as Tet mentioned is that there are many new players who come in chat and have no respect for others 
Something must be done so i hope this post will be taken seriously
Thank you 
If four is not enough for 
one room
 there is something wrong. 

As you may know, there is a mute button provided. It is also encouraged that players send screen shots of abusive players to moderator@flyordie.com

And I don't think it's easy for them to find good mods. They need to have a clean record, respect players, help out, and be over 18 (21?). I would assume the majority of this are younger players.
you couldnt be more wrong caption on any of those accounts lately we are lucky to see a mod once a week and we do send in ss's and those ppl are not punished.
I agree that more mods are needed.  I would support any of the people whose names have been mentioned in the thread above.
If they aren't punished maybe you're doing something wrong?

Are you sending shots of new players asking "where do I find opal" and other annoying newbie questions instead of reading help? Or is it for profanity and flooding? Because that's what they get demerits for.

Or could it be because Larkinor mods asked you to label emails 'LARKINOR' so they know it's for them? Knowing you see them once a week (
if you're lucky
, why would they have time to read emails if they can't stop in to keep chat under control? Regardless if they play Larkinor or any other game, they are still registered to FlyOrDie and have to abide by all the rules. Which means a mod that has never been to Larkinor may read the email and demerit a user for profanity.
i agree that there are a lot of unnecessarily rude new players every day in larkinor chat.  many actually seem to be the same person creating new accounts just to see if they can come into chat again and see if they can get away with more, simply to spite us.

i see four possible options... three solutions.

1 - do nothing... leave larkinor as it is, and we will just have to suffer with the new players and put more stress on the current mods who volunteer their time to demerit more and more people.

2 - create jr. mods, who would have limited priviledges... such as demeritting accounts less than a week old if needed, or something similar.

3 - as monty posted in the larkinor forum (second page of the "how to improve the game" post), there could be a manditory time limit and/or level limit before new players are allowed to post on forum or enter chat.

4 - add a new option for demerits/bans... if a new player is demerited twice within their first week (give them a second chance to see if they change), ban them for a month (or 3, or 6... something serious)... and have it automatic.  but since many players create new accounts to just do the same thing, this would have to go by ip address, not by account.

We may HAVE 4 Mods pelon... 

But I play 50+ hrs a week and only see 1 Mod, MAYBE 1 time a day.. for maybe a half hr or so at a time.

And in our chat, most of the Regular players that hang out in chat often, are over the age of 21.  (with a few exceptions of course)  

Its the newbs that are loggin in to spam, an cause troubles, that are the teens.


Pelon, thank you for your opinion.  I do agree that four mods should be sufficient.  However, as I said previously, one of them I have seen only once, and one of the others I rarely see.  

Larkinor tends to get a very high amount of people who come from a certain other rpg, who get very abusive in chat.  

As to using the mute button and sending screen shots, I do both frequently, as do many of the regular players.  But this should not have to happen as much as it does.  In a typical session for me, I find myself muting a minimum of 15 people, and either sending, or knowing about others sending 10-15 screen shots.  And I am one of the more patient players, I dont mute as many as others do.

Finding good mods is difficult, I agree to that as well.  I personally have put in an app for mod.  I know of several others who have as well.  I am not saying full mod status, I just know that we need something.

I too agree that there are issues with chat in larkinor. The atmosphere is the best on FOD and players always help eachother out even new players. Even using online translators where necessary.

However I have recently been sending screenshots ever more frequently, I have no problem with this and when a mod is available by e-mail or msn they act very quickly. They do though have a life outside of larki and there can be large periods where they cannot be present in chat. Today there was an obscene name running around for about 4 hours before anything was done, with children playing the game this is not really acceptable.

Many of us play for many hours and are respected within the community and numerous players would willing volunteer. As mods cost nothing I cannot see how this harms FOD, surely it will benefit them as it attracts more players in and more to resub.

I would happily do the job though I think Ralphie among others would be brilliant and has had a little more play time than me.

Hopefully some action is taken - I don't mind who is a mod but please can we have one.

I feel I am writing an essay so shall stop there -


there are many players in larkinor who meet the mod-requirements (clean record, playing for over a year, over age 18 or 21... whatever the actual number is).  i'm sure if FOD said they were willing to accept more applications (for moderators, or even for a new type... the jr mod), many of these players would submit an application, and it would help keep our chat (and forum) a bit more enjoyable.
maybe iam doing something wrong? I dont think so there pelon. We have 4 mods yes 1 shows up once every 3 months. Another mod has her time between pool and larkinor and the other do which are excellent mods have not been around lately. Why do i have to pay for a game which i cannot enjoy because of what goes on in chat? mute yeah ok . Not go into chat i pay for this game and i want what i pay for. There was a post on larkinor forum last night which was racist and that person continued to post today next time check your facts and not ur opinions.
Strange you didn't even mention my other questions.

Where are the facts? A guy posting racism? Happens in Billiards sections too. We have more mods an still don't get an immediate response. Rome wasn't built in a day.

And don't take offense to my posts. We can always use more mods.

Pelon, I dont think anyone is taking offense to your posts.  However, I would like to say that this post was not created based upon events in billiards.  It says Larkinor in the title.  This post is for those of us who play Larki to be able to voice our opinions on the number of mods and the frequency we see them.  It would be appreciated if you dont try to diminish our opinions and feelings.
first off the need for mods should be filled because at the moment i am hiding in a private room just so i dont have to mute all the spammers and other annoying noobs that come in.  secondly pelon do you play larki...i dont remember seeing you before.  if you dont how can you comment on something that is specific to our game and our experiences in larki.  if your not, there your making generalizations that pertain to all FOD games.  furthermore you are blurtting out stuff all the regs know on larki.  if your not helping your part of the problem.  proof is that we are all saying something on the forum as we speak. 

I don't play Larki? I'm #1 in Cloning Arena and currently #65 for Conquest. Billiards section or Larkinor section, it's still FlyOrDie's forum.
if you dont know your enemies then you dont know your friends.....come on then you know what we are talking about...well you would if you chatted

Well.. My bad Pelon... didn't recignise you because when we saw your name, we didn't know u were Caption instead of Pelon :p

Pelon,  you may play Larki, but I have never seen you in chat.  That doesn't mean you are never there, but I am there quite often.  This is a problem with the larki chat room, not with the game.  Besides, I find it interesting that someone who has a larki character with an obviously racist and unsuitable name doesn't want more mods.
Hi Pelon, 

As you have asked I will reply to your points quickly -

* Four mods is good, they do a great job but there are long periods where they have to do things in Real Life.

* I only ever send profanity or flooding and only once I have asked the person in question to stop

* I label each e-mail Larkinor Bad Name or Larkinor Screenshot with the Characters name, I try to put 2 or 3 text windows on the JPEG and limit to 100kb. I also give account details on e-mail

* There are sufficient players with a clean record for them to have a wide pool of players to choose from. Many of the players posting here are regulars and old enough.

Often just the presence of a mod will prevent bad behaviour. I hope that the applications that are being sent in as we speak and in the next few days are given fair consideration.

I accept that you too play the game and hope you enjoy to do so. You are of course entitled to post and express your opinion, however please do not detract from our attempts to improve our gaming experience.


Ahhh lol ;)

With no hate to anyone:

That intro was made 1 or 2 years ago ?:|
My brother made that name because I told him I needed money for my other chars. I don't even use that char anymore.

I used to come in chat a lot but since I been back I haven't; only when I need to ask a question related to TA. I would state the reason I don't go in there anymore but would only cause more arguements.

KMS, nice reply, respect.

And if it seemed like I tried to detract your attempts, my bad. But I already stated there's nothing wrong with more mods. :p
Thank you for the understanding Pelon.

Maybe you could ask the Mod's to change your Char's name for you?

Glad you agree that more mods are needed.

And hope to see you in chat sometime :D

I have heard that FOD is not accepting applications for mods right now.  I would like to ask a favor from the prson(s) who have made this decision.  I would like for you to spend some time in our chat room.  No mod status shown, no known name used.  Just you, in our room with no one knowing that you represent FOD.  It also needs to be more than just a pop in visit.  It would be appreciated if you could be there for several hours.  Maybe even a few hours a day, for several days at different times, so that you would get a clear view of what happens in there.  

I dont ask this of you to say that you arent capable of making decisions.  I ask this so that you may know how we feel before you decline all the applications for mods.  

I have played many online games, on many sites.  I have never seen a group that tries so hard to maintain a pleasant, clean environment.  It is frustrating when we are not able to do so.  All I ask is that you let us try.

ok sorry to spam but to re-iterate my above statement and to add clarity,  the mods we now have on larki are the best and i wouldnt replace them with anyone.  i doubt any one could do a better job, but that being said the need is still there.  whereas noobs that spam and irritate are increasing and therefore as a result a need for more mods is present. pelon i didnt and still dont know you and dont mean to offend in any way.  come to chat and ask anyone im not that way.  so my opinion has been stated and im done for the day 

*takes timecard and punches out*

Ok, I am beginning to feel as if the opinions and feelings of the players are not being taken into consideration.  This thread has been here for a week and there has been no FoD response.  I don't think anyone is asking for anything unreasonable.  

I cannot speak for anyone else, but I can speak as to what I hear.  Many, many of us are very unhappy with the amount of mod coverage Larkinor chat gets.  Not that it should matter, but I know money rules all, so let me also say that a majority of us are subs.  We pay for the game, and with that comes chat.  Chat is supposed to be a clean, friendly environment.  

We are not asking FoD to provide us with around-the-clock coverage, we are asking to be allowed to do it for ourselves.  The mods we have are wonderful, they are more than willing to go the extra mile to make things pleasant, but they cannot be there all the time. 

 I understand that the mute button is there for a reason, but there are kids who play, and kids wont mute.  We need to take responsibility for the environment in here.  

I also understand that we all have the ability to send a screenshot and that any FoD mod will respond as soon as they are able to.  I have two problems with that.  1.  Too often there just isnt anyone available.  Many times I have seen horribly offensive names wandering around for hours, or people in chat who are only there to offend as many as possible.  2.  I don't think that players should have to spent as much time taking, cutting down to size, and sending screenshots as we do.  

I feel that enough people have given their opinions for this to be taken seriously.  Speaking for myself, I feel that by not responding, FoD is effectively saying "We neither see a need for improvement, nor care what our players, who help fund the site, think or feel."  This is not acceptable.  

I also think that enough options have been suggested to make it a simple task to fix the problem.

1.  Approve more mod applications.
2.  Create a jr. mod position.
3.  Allow things to remain as they are, and risk losing 
      both sub renewals, and new subs.

Also, I have heard that a non-sub would be banned for things a sub can get away with.  This goes back to money ruling everything.  The issue I have with this is that there are a few subs who also make every possible effort to go out of their way to offend.  I understand that the 10 cents a day that they pay for playing is important, but is it worth losing all the others who would pay as well?  How many new players have left becuase of the things these few people have done?  How many subs have decided not to renew?  I have 2 sub accounts, so I pay 20 cents a day.  Why is it that the few crass, rude subs should outweigh the rest of us?

So, now that I have most likely gotten myself into trouble, I hope it hasn't all been for nothing.  I look forward to hearing from you.

Nah, I don't think you put yourself into trouble.

A jr. mod wouldn't be all that bad but they should make it ONLY for Larkinor. Even though I don't go in there as much as I used to, I know what it's like and how the players act and react.

I challenge all of the Larkinor players to take a week in 8-ball or Tanx and play as much there as you do Larkinor and tell me which is worst. Look at MrMad1, has he changed? I think so. :)
a challenge hmmm...i dont liek pool though lmao

Welcome to the real world .

The rest of FoD chat have had to put up with all the bad things you mention, that are now happening in Larky.

I think you will have to cry for another couple of years yet.

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